Morgan   North Ogden, Utah, United States
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Jurassic World Evolution
Review Showcase
3.4 Hours played
I Regret This Purchase Immensely
for the love of god don't play this

I managed to play this s*** heap of a game for about 3 hours before I got so sick of it that I requested a refund immediately before posting this review, for context.

Despite the adverts promising a true blue nerf experience (so an fps but foam flinging) this disaster is one of the buggiest, most horribly designed, and outright rage inducing shooters I've ever played. But we'll get into that. If you're looking for a tl;dr of the situation, there it is.

Oh God, It's Dead!
or in other words, wow where's the game I was promised?

So I'm sure anyone wading through the reviews has heard by this point that multiplayer is non-existent. And I don't mean in a hyperbolic sense either. Even on launch day, when a game's multiplayer should be at its peak (some games even have massive hotfixes in production before launch as preparation for this kind of thing) When I tried to join and host online games of nerf, I was greeted with a resounding chirping from the cricket sat outside my window as I refresh over and over to no response. To be completely honest, I have no idea if multiplayer is even programmed into the game. Unless you break into the game's coding (something I don't know how to do) there's virtually no way to tell if the buttons you press in the multiplayer menu are even trying to connect you to a server or not. So since it functions the same as if it didn't have multiplayer, for the rest of this review I'll be considering it a single-player game. Not what you expected? me neither.

Help, I'm Clipping Through The Map And It Just Won't Stop!
or in other words, what's the point of even playing when even the floor is trying to kill me
Yep, this game is a dumpster fire of glitches and bugs to. From small issues like textures not matching in game models, blocking your shots with an invisible wall, to larger issues like an elevator that's supposed to take you to the second half of a level clipping through the upper floor, so if you happen to be slightly off center, it smashes you between the two platforms and you go hurtling back down to where you started, only to be crushed by the same elevator until the physics engine blesses you and lets you out.. or until you die to the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ little mine robots that spawn infinitely down there. Yeah if you can see it in this game, there's probably a bug involving it. wonky platform models that you constantly hit your head against, stairs that you get stuck on when trying to dash past a turret nest, resulting in you dying for the 4th time this level, and ziplines that teleport you back and forth depending on where you latched on, just in case the floaty and inconsistent air controls didn't kill you already when trying to hop from zipline to zipline... If you couldn't tell I really hate the ziplines.

The Devs Hate Us And I Can Prove It

This is gonna be the longest part of this review, because I have the most to say about the level design, so either buckle your fu**les, or leave now cause this is gonna be a minute.

So let's evaluate by starting off with the enemies. I'll go over the enemies you encounter until the third level of the jungle world. Yeah you heard me right.
The generic grunt enemies you'll face are an assortment of spider bois, humanoid robots that range from scrawny to chunky, to drones (like, real life drones except they shoot you and are a pain to hit unless you're using the trilogy shotgun). Non of these are particularly bad, the spiders go down in one hit if you slap em in the undercarrage, or just slap em in general, the drones go down in one shot no matter what, and the humanoids are the same, with the exception that you might want to think twice about running up and hitting the humanoids, because they'll slap back and send you flying, probably into oblivion considering a lot of the levels have easy to fall off ledges and large jumps between gaps. After the grunts are the boss and miniboss enemies. I'm not going to cover these in a huge amount of detail because literally every time I came across one my response was to spam fire until it was dead. No strategy other than jumping around to avoid their fire, just pump em full of foam. The most interesting one I guess I could say was called the scorpion. It looked like one of those small robot insect toys that you could put in a plastic enclosure and watch scuttle around. The scorpion's gimmick was basically huddling into a tight ball once you did enough damage to it, using it's back turret to throw lasers at you (or, to be clear, the ground since it never actually aimed AT me and just bore holes into the ground while I shot it to death). Yeah the boss enemies are pretty much exclusively used to block off doorways or to put into tight spaces when least convenient. not difficult, just annoying. I'm not gonna say anything about the "masters" either, the bosses at the end of a world, because I fought only the first one, and though she did jump all over the place like an insane person, she only killed me once and that was because her stadium is a bunch of platforms above, you guessed it, a death pit, which I fell into after getting stuck on a rock and having no way back up. Fun.

Surprisingly, The enemies are the least of your worries, that is to say, it's the levels and gameplay mechanics themselves that really want you to alt+f4. The base premise of the game is that you're trying to get through the level while racking up as many points as possible. Easy right? Well you'd be mistaken. To get as many points as possible, you'll have to kill enemies. To drain as many points out of them as you can, you'll have to build up a multiplier score by killing repeatedly. This multiplier score is the bain of my existence in this game. The enemies are spread out so sparcely and in so few number that the only way I could get a really high multiplier was cheesing the ever loving crap out of a turret's blind spot in level 1. It couldn't reach me and my shots did nearly no damage to it so I was at somewhere between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 points by the end of that level. The gold star required getting like 60,000. Speaking of which, the rankings. These are why you want as many points as possible. You can achieve bronze, silver, and gold rankings for each level. What's the payoff? Gun unlocks and skins.... yay my favorite. (to be fair I actually did use two of the unlocked guns when playing instead of the base loadout. The raptorstrike and the trilogy shotgun along with the ultra 2 pistol as a side arm. Yeah you get 2 primaries and a secondary for some reason) If you're something of a completionist, these rankings will make you vomit. To preface, here are all the things that can affect your total score
  • killing enemies gives you points
  • killing a lot of enemies at once increases your multiplier, giving you more points
  • dying takes away tons of points and resets your multiplier to x1
  • taking damage decreases your points and lowers your multiplier
  • your multiplier decreases over time

    Not to mention the levels are designed with vague puzzles, which you rarely get any indication towards from the ui, massive death pits which are all too easy to fall in, and awful guidance from the game towards your next objective that it's a miracle I managed to get as far as I did. Puzzle platforming and time based fps action do not mix FUN labs, stop it. Anyways I'm running out of space for this review so I'll leave this here. If you stayed long enough to get here congrats, and take my advice.
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