
Recensioni recenti di mr.deagle

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4.9 ore in totale
It took me and my friend somewhere between 2–3 hours to complete this game. Overall it was pretty good.

+ Some nice asymmetric puzzles for both players
+ Beautiful artwork and design

− Little replayability, even though there are two players
Pubblicata in data 28 settembre 2019.
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102.9 ore in totale (45.4 ore al momento della recensione)
Mainly writing this because I disagree with what the majority of the negative reviews are saying, as someone who cranked out 40 hours of gameplay (split quite evenly between online and offline play) and who completed games on the hardest difficulty level. While I have ideas on what should contribute to a negative review, which will come later in the review, but let's start by tackling the points I disagree with in the negative reviews.

Too much RNG
I believe RNG gets the majority of the blame because a random event occurs at the beginning of every turn, and at every new planet, so it's pretty much in your face all the time.

  • Can certain RNG combos hurt you? Yes, especially early on.
  • Should you expect to win every game? Hell no.
  • Can you do anything to neutralize or mitigate the impact of bad RNG? Absolutely, and in a myriad of ways.

Every decision you make has risk and reward. Building your deck to mitigate the risks for both the short and long terms is the key to survival. If you could nearly guarantee a win just by following a simple formula, that would make for a really boring game. Fortunately, each game is only supposed to last up to two hours, and after 40 hours of playing mostly on Normal and Hard difficulty, I've only really felt like RNGesus hates me once. If you're having trouble dealing with the negative events on a regular basis outside of the expert difficulty, you need to either have a better strategy or choose a lower difficulty level.

Game-breaking bugs
I've seen some reports of the game doing stuff like consuming cards without any effect, but I've never seen those bugs myself. In the event that something like this does happen to you, there is a very simple workaround: reload the save file. The game auto-saves at the beginning of every turn, and an average turn takes well under half a minute to complete if you deduct the time used to make decisions. There shouldn't be any bugs that you can't recover from, so this alone should not be grounds for a negative review.

Very little strategy
Those who say this likely don't know how to play the game. I'm often debating strategy with a friend who has played many of this type of game, and often identifying unnecessary risks and sub-optimal turns when I play with others.

While sometimes you have literally nothing to do on a turn (especially if you don't maintain your decks well) and the number of abilities that you can use on a single turn are limited, each decision you make can have a strong butterfly effect, and some of them definitely will by the end of the game. This game is about having both short- and long-term strategies.


So what did I personally enjoy about the game?

+ Nice asymmetric roles
+ Rewards good coordination between characters
+ Games are easy to finish in one sitting (only important for live online play)
+ Random events keep you on your toes
+ Seeing your long-term plan deliver the goods (both figuratively and literally) is satisfying
+ Good balance of difficulty levels that have some variety (not just scaling one or two numbers)
+ Nice design and artwork for its budget
+ An option for "asynchronous" multiplayer so that you can play with others even when your schedules don't match (I don't intend to use this, but I haven't seen this in other games, so it seems like a nifty feature)

Things I would actually consider negative:

− UI bugs, especially online. There are a lot of race conditions and edge cases that the developers didn't account for, forcing you to reload the save file. Occasionally, the online lobby can fail if you've already played another game in the same instance, forcing you to restart the application.
− Planetary navigation is flawed for two main reasons: the labels often cover the map, and the generation is flawed in that you often come across two planets that appear to be connected but actually are not.
− Somewhat limited number of items. I just feel like there was a missed opportunity to create more dynamics between the items, as the only one that directly synergizes with other items is the Echonium.

Other remarks:
• In live multiplayer, you may have to spend a lot of time waiting for your teammate(s) to complete their turns. This can be a good thing if you have other things to do at the same time, or a bad thing if you don't.
• I got this for $1.50, and I feel like its rating should be in the 80s.
Pubblicata in data 12 agosto 2019. Ultima modifica in data 12 agosto 2019.
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6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
3.3 ore in totale
I enjoyed the overall experience of this escape room.

- Nice co-operative puzzles
- Environment
- Soundtrack
- Walkie talkie made communication amusing
- ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that thing in the last puzzle is creepy and well-designed

- Bugs. Do not jump on any staircases in the dungeon puzzle or you'll fall out of the map and have to restart the game from the beginning. The lobby does not honour your voice chat volume setting. There's huge input lag when you first load the level.
- Last puzzle was a bit frustrating because it demands an extremely specific setup at each stage.
- Wish they did more with what looked like a Stroop test.

However, I am posting this recommendation mainly because of the great hunt for the last and rarest achievement in this game. After spending some time screwing around with all of the togglable torches in the hopes of obtaining the "happy ending", I finally looked it up and discovered that it was just a ♥♥♥♥ joke where you had to beat off the red lever until it splooged confetti all over your face. Yeah, that's one way to achieve a happy ending... 8=====D~~~~
Pubblicata in data 22 maggio 2018. Ultima modifica in data 22 maggio 2018.
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19 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
8.7 ore in totale
Let's get the non-negative stuff out of the way first, which is the most subjective part of my review. I enjoyed the music and artwork for a $7 title. I'm mixed about the voice acting; the competence of each actor varied quite a bit, and Satomi's was the only one who stood out to me, albeit in a positive way. Understandably, all of the characters have an American accent despite their backstory. I don't have much to say about the story and whatever else I don't mention.

As for the negative:
– No real-time challenges. Whenever you read, speed is important, and this game offers no benefit for speed. Even just having a FF7/8-esque ATB system would be a huge improvement.
– Difficulty is extremely low. I just rushed through the story and absolutely destroyed everything, including the final boss.
– The organized Answer menu makes it way too easy to deduce the correct answer for romaji enemies without learning the katakana well. You can ace all the answers by memorizing slightly over 20% of all the katakana. OCR could be used instead.
– The vast majority of the enemies have attributes that scale with how recently you received their associated lesson, making it even easier to deduce the correct answer without learning katakana.
– Too often, the same enemies will appear in exactly the same positions. Compounded by a menu that remembers your previous commands, this makes it even easier for players to succeed without learning much katakana.
– Poor balancing between the number of katakana enemies and number of romaji enemies.
– The challenge castle is pointless. The NPC who takes you there makes it sound like a big deal, but it looks like unfinished content.
– Katakana words are shown literally once ever in battle. In my experience, I've only really encountered individual katakana characters in manga, and they aren't very important.
– Some of the sidequests require you to purchase a specific item so that you can receive the lesson that helps you identify that item. This is backwards and I don't understand the logic.
– Barely any "RP" in what's sold as an "RPG". Your choices are basically inconsequential, and only have a minor impact during the character affection sequences.
– The gameplay and design have nothing interesting at all.

There are way better budget RPGs out there, and if you just want to learn katakana, there are plenty of free katakana flash games out there that would help you learn much faster. Personally I think playing with a katakana Anki deck is one of the fastest ways to drill individual characters into your head, and if you can't even handle that, then good luck making any meaningful progress towards learning Japanese, one of the hardest languages for people who don't natively speak an East Asian language.
Pubblicata in data 18 gennaio 2018. Ultima modifica in data 18 gennaio 2018.
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2.2 ore in totale
My positive review is for Strings of Fate; I didn't enjoy The Lost Date that much.

+ Visuals: While the facial detail and backgrounds aren't particularly impressive outside of the animated scenes, there was a good amount of assets for the length and I hope that continues to be the case with the full game. The animated scenes could improve by following the narration more closely, but they are drawn and animated beautifully and I hope many more will come.

• Story: I enjoyed Strings of Fate, despite it feeling quite rushed. I know this is only a prequel, but it felt pretty awkward to lay out the heavy emotions after simply something along the lines of "we hung out every day for a month". More scenes and interactions between the two would've made the development of their relationship much more organic.

The Lost Date didn't feel rushed, but it was very cliché and seemed really silly to have characters collapse into sleep right as they're about to kiss or while they're having sex, and to make Yasu slower than a girl who had more to drink. Alcohol doesn't work like that and I wouldn't accept pinning everything on voodoo.

• Audio: The music I heard was okay, but not memorable. The voiceover volume is somewhat inconsistent, and I was having trouble hearing Rin over the cooking.

• VA:
  • Rin's audio seemed a bit muffled and a bit inconsistent in terms of volume. She pronounces Naoko like "Neiyoko" unlike the rest of the VAs.
  • Megumi needs to keep working on her accent, and then hopefully her inflection will come more naturally.
  • Yasu does not sound anything like a child. Thank goodness he only had a few seconds total.
  • Hikaru didn't have enough lines for me to have an opinion.
  • Can anyone tell me what accent Katashi is supposed to have? Even someone who's lived near Birmingham his whole life can't. It does make me want to punch him in the face more, so it works I guess.
  • Tamiko is good.
  • Naoko sounds to me like she's pinching her nose all the time. Guess I have different tastes.
  • I think Daisuke needs a windscreen, but otherwise fine. His over-inflection suits his character.
Pubblicata in data 9 dicembre 2017.
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0.1 ore in totale (0.1 ore al momento della recensione)
One of the best games I've ever played because of its atmosphere, immersion, sound effects, and creative details. A must-play for those who enjoyed BioShock, its spiritual successor. If you can get over the rough gameplay and occasional stability issues, then it'll probably be worth it.
Pubblicata in data 16 maggio 2013.
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194.5 ore in totale (118.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Great asymmetric, fast-paced PvP gameplay that balances skill and tactics very well, and blends shooter/action with RTS. I honestly wish this genre were at least half as popular as casual shooters. Need to play it while the community is alive.
Pubblicata in data 7 marzo 2013.
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347.0 ore in totale (299.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Needs many more levels and the DLC takes forever to be finished/released, but the gameplay is well done and excellent for co-op.
Pubblicata in data 12 luglio 2012.
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86.2 ore in totale (81.8 ore al momento della recensione)
There are some annoying things such as fighting in the dark, the Witch Bride, and actually having to take cover from more than just Scorpions, but any fan of the original Serious Sam games should be able to appreciate this.
Pubblicata in data 29 dicembre 2011.
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347.2 ore in totale (219.5 ore al momento della recensione)
Replayability isn't great, but the speedrun achievements are fun to earn with friends. One of my favourite titles among free games and mods.
Pubblicata in data 4 luglio 2011.
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