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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,201.6 hrs on record (1,178.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Feb, 2016 @ 2:15pm
Updated: 2 Dec, 2024 @ 7:40am

Basic Information
Title: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Genre: Action
Developer: Nicalis, Inc. , Edmund McMillen
Publisher: Nicalis, Inc.
Release Date: 4 Nov, 2014

Basic Overview
This is probably one of the best Rogue-lite games that I have ever played on Steam. It has so much variation and randomness, but not too much that it gets annoying and that you rage and uninstall the game. It has varies amounts of items, special abilities, cards and enemies which makes it have high Replay value. Along with the randomly generated dungeons this game is truly is the best Rogue-lite game I have ever played.

Game Play
This game has so much to talk about so get ready for a fairly long review. This game has such variety that it's hard to talk about every single detail about this game, so I will break down the Game Play header into other sub categories.

Basic Game Play
This game has a simple way to play. You move with WSAD and you can shoot with the arrow keys. This is such a good choice on controls as you can move in one direction and shoot in another. The way that the controls work and respond quickly is really needed when playing a game as difficult as this. The story is pretty basic, but fits really well with the game play and has purpose and reason why you are doing what you are doing. Your mum has a message from god that she must prove herself to him and kill you, Isaac. You over hear this and you run to the corner and quickly slip down into the basement to avoid death. Now you must fight through each floor, avoiding loads of enemies, collecting useful (or maybe not useful) items to help you along the way. This is very fitting for the story and I like it a lot. There is also a huge amount of replay ability because of the randomly generated dungeons that you run through. This means that there are almost an infinite amount of runs that will all be different and will play out differently. This really does pull the played in and want to play 'one' more run. Then it turns into a few more runs until you kill mum. Really grabbing, and really good at wanting you to play more of the game. Something else that the game offers are challenges, and some of these are really hard to complete. I would recommend getting used to the basic game before getting into any of these challenges as some of these are just too difficult to complete.

Enemies, Bosses & Items
As I mentioned in the Overview of this review there is a really huge amount of variety of this game. When it comes to enemies, bosses and items then this game really has dedicated it's time and effort to these 3 things. There are several different types of areas that you could be in. Along with themed enemies, and some enemies that I really have no clue what they are, it really sets the tense atmosphere when you are getting near the end of the run. When you are on that last half a heart of life and you are really far in the run you feel really tense. Some of the items that you can collect will do a various amount of things, such as increase your defence, increase your life, gives you a friend, gives you eternal life ect the list just goes on and on for what your character can collect. There are also some chances that you have to take, such as pills that you find. These pills will have a random effect, whether it will increase your attack, decrease your speed, give you bombs again there is a massive amount of things that these pills will do. It just adds more risk:reward. If you are prepared to take the risk of possibly decreasing your attack but might increase your speed then go ahead. I normally just leave these as they only give you a small amount of either good or bad things that only really make the game a little bit different. Then there are things such as cards which you can use and are a bit like pills, but you can see the picture of the card and the name. So if you can memorize what the cards do then you can use them to your advantage. Lastly I will talk about the great variety of bosses that are in this game. At the end of every dungeon you will have to defeat a boos to proceed. This is also a randomly selected boss which makes the game even better and just adds to the high replay value! This game is just so good!
Score (Out Of 10): 10 - High replay value, brilliant variation and randomly generated dungeons, this is what you want in a Rogue-lite

Graphics/Art Style
The art style for this game is really nicely down, and really fits well with the atmosphere and the game play in general. I especially like the simplicity of the opening cut scene of the game, the graphics are just simply black and white as the cut scene plays. The main art style of the game is really colourful. I really like the art style because it's not too cartoony that it looks childish, and it's not too serious to make it look patronising. Its just right, and really fits with game play.
Score (Out Of 10): 10 - really simplistic and fitting graphics, really suits the game well.

The music for this game is really good, I really like the soft music when you are just normally roaming around the dungeons, and then the drastic change once you enter a boss room. It really makes the battles more intense and on each dungeons floor. Once you kill the boss there is a certain feeling that you feel really accomplished about yourself, but you know that there is still more to go.
Score (Out Of 10): 10 - really nice use of music to make the boss battles more intense

I would recommend this game to anyone who likes Rogue-lite, difficult games with very high replay value. There are so many different runs that can happen that you never really get bored of the game. You just want to come back wanting to play another game, and then maybe do a challenge, and then another normal run. It's a endless cycle of fun. Highly recommended to all Rogue-lite and difficult fans

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