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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.6 hrs on record
Posted: 24 Aug, 2021 @ 1:28pm
Product received for free

- this review may contain spoilers, if you don´t mind go ahead.

Summary: A short-length interactive vn with fantasy elements made in Unity. Help girls being tormenting by H spirits in ecchi way in this point and click novel. Features good artwork, already uncensored.

- Game: A short-length interactive vn with fantasy elements made in Unity. Seems the game is still in development, the ninja gal from store page isnt out yet.
- Story/gameplay: Play as an exorcist called to banish some evil spirits; when he arrives he finds girls being tormenting by H spirits. Now banish those spirits in a point and click (plus combos) to get points; those points are to be used to advance story/ undress/ "fun".
- VA: N/A; but there are some lewd sounds.
- Artwork: pretty good; however the invisible MC, doing H sex is quite strange, unless the exorcist also turned in h spirit...
- Text/translation: no problem so far
- Performance/cons: high system usage due to uncapped fps; auto-save only (you can't save/load manually); no skip function

Conclusion: Ecchi Spirit is short-length interactive vn with fantasy elements made in Unity about how an exorcist saves girls being tormented by h spirits in a point-and-click game; featuring good artwork, already uncensored. Recommended? I believe the game has many things to be improved yet, such as complete game; high system usage due to uncapped fps; auto-save only (you can't save/load manually); no skip function, but is still enjoyable.
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