Mike   Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Dayz, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Arma, You name it I play it.
Currently Offline
Goro 11 Mar, 2017 @ 3:30pm 
Hello there!
I hope you're doing all fine together. As I can see, you're interested in post-apocalyptic topics. I'd like to make some kind of a deal. I'm also a big fan of horror games combined with elements of zombies, rarely: deamons (depending on game lmao). As far as I can see, you're making great missions, trying to reproduce the improved DayZ style, atleast this is how I'm taking. I'm also a mission maker, I've dropped a couple of misssions, which could be outdated by now, but they seemed attractive to the community. I'd like to ask you for partnership, meaning I would help you out with the missions and vice versa, either we could work on certain projects together. If you're interested, please add my friends' steam request, if not - feel free to remove this comment from your profile, and if you could, sign my profile. Thank you so much for your attention!
Borziy 8 Sep, 2016 @ 10:09pm 
And theres always someone who doesn't understand the meaning of a word "Joke".
Jimmakos 20 Aug, 2016 @ 3:05am 
Wow! what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ prick, Mike you really believe this ♥♥♥♥? I like the part he's saying you will be faced with troubles if you don't make what the troll wants , talk about attitude sgh!

I've been sent here from the underground bunker,sector 6, of the white house council department having a top secret registered message:
♥♥♥♥ you.

Sincerely, city council.
Borziy 15 Aug, 2016 @ 6:06pm 
Helo comrade Matrixman109! Iv been sent here by the glorious Worker's council of Beketov city. For you to create a glorious Ravage mission on a great city of Beketov:

Keep in mind comrade! The glorous Worker's council of Beketov city is expecting you to do a quality work as the terrain of city Beketov is a pefect fit for the post apocaliptic world of dayz everto come to life. Worker's council has their hopes in YOU! So don't let it down or you will be faced with a cold hearted trip to gulag! :RedStar:
TheDrunkAmerican 15 Jul, 2016 @ 1:47pm 
hmm thats weird
Ethereal Cereal 15 Jul, 2016 @ 11:32am 
Lol I was playing another dayz map/scenario I can't find one that will work and is yours, the chernarus won't work for me it's weird.