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13.6 hrs last two weeks / 17.6 hrs on record
Posted: 5 Mar @ 6:15am
Updated: 9 Mar @ 10:12am


Syberia - The World Before is an adventure game with a beautiful narrative and engaging story. It is a continuation of the Syberia series telling the story of Kate Walker for the fourth time. There is a pretty good chance that this is the last game of the series because the man responsible for writing the story is no longer among living. I must confess that this is the first game of the series that I played. I haven’t had a chance to play previous titles but I plan on fixing that mistake. I am giving this game a recommended rating, however, I do not completely agree with it. If there was a possibility to choose something in between positive and negative, I would. In my opinion there were some aspects of the game that heavily influenced it in a negative way.

When you launch the game, you will be greeted with a beautiful piano melody and Dana’s pleasing face in the main menu. It already creates a good vibe that’s gonna accompany you until the end. The game is narrated in a very beautiful way. The story is deep and will keep you engaged throughout the whole experience. The locations and graphics will surely take your breath away as they were made with attention to detail. The characters are well-written, explicit and likeable (with few exceptions).

The team responsible for making this game put a lot of effort into making our first impression very strong. It worked on me. I was amazed by the experience that was presented to me and it made me wanna keep playing and discovering the story. There are two main characters and both ladies have very nice and charming personalities. You will absolutely love them both and will root for them the whole time.

This may sound absurd but in my opinion the worst aspect of this game is that it is an adventure game. Allow me to explain. Syberia series is known for being filled with puzzles. You can encounter them in basically every location. There is always something you have to do in order to be able to proceed with the story. It’s a bit forced in my opinion. The problem is that those puzzles get ridiculously difficult. They get so complex that you may spend literally hours trying to figure them out and fail. Even with a guide some puzzles were taking me half an hour to an hour to complete. So you get a little bit of story, a difficult puzzle, some more story and another puzzle. It basically looks like this and I don’t like it. I understand that there are people who love those puzzles and may even play the game for the sole purpose of solving the puzzles but I am not one of them. It affected my experience quite a lot.

What I also didn’t like was the camera. You have no control over it and it adjusts itself based on where your character is currently standing. I experienced a few bugs and glitches and they are all connected to the camera. Somebody did a pretty bad job there. I often found my character going in a completely different direction than the one I have been choosing for it to go to because I have been clicking on some invisible wall. Having experienced it once or twice, I would have ignored it but I had problems like this more often than I would want to.

In summary, this is an exceptional game that everyone should play for the story. I think that it is that good. The game gives a good vibe which accompanies you throughout the whole experience. The characters and locations also leave an enormous impression. Unfortunately, there are also aspects like the camera or forced absurdly difficult puzzles that take a lot of time to solve which can affect your experience in a negative way. Despite that, I would still recommend trying it for yourself. The things that were problems for me may not be for you.

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