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47.4 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
I decided to not review this until I completed the entire game.

First, I am amazed at the story line. I am a die hard Aliens fan, owning every book / comic book / etc. ever released kind of die hard. So when I say it has one interesting and well done story for this kind of theme, I'm not just blowing smoke up your rear end.

The game started out rough, not going to lie. A lot of what people had problems with were very true, but the devs here listened and jumped right on with a patch for many of them. Kutos on keeping up with the fanbase.

The game is hard, even on the easiest setting it can still down out right slaughter your entire squad if you let it - and a Queen or Praetorian can still rip one in half regardless. If you want to feel like your inside a real Aliens story, set it on a harder difficulty and you too will be quoting "It's game over man."

The look and feel of the game is that nearly right out of the second movie, Aliens. Your fear and helplessness for your squad feels almost out of "Alien Isolation" - except that you can at least shoot back and smack a few before you go down on harder levels.

The sound and graphics are superb. You can feel the slimy ground squish as you walk around on them as the rain falls just outside a window. Feel the fear of your soldiers as they are dragged away into the darkness when you make a mistake. The rumble of the ARC and APC vehicles and the chest vibrating thud of their guns.

There's a lot of great things about the game for an Aliens fan, that much is for sure.
The game has many classes to choose from for your marines. The only one that felt out of place and kinda, well, useless was the Recon. I found you keep your stealth about the same amount of time even if you go guns blazing on a harder difficulty - and mowing down aliens fast and efficiently is the name of the game - no time for the single shot sniper rifle.

I would list some of the things that drove me bonkers in game, like your squad hitting obviously hard coded sound bits like "Shhh, there's a drone" even though you spotted it earlier and blasted it with a rocket, or other little things - but I have a feeling that with this dev team, those things won't be relevant very long or if at all by the time you read this. They really are on top of things.

So in the end: Great game. Strong and evolving story. True to the Aliens franchise. A must play for any Aliens fan.

Update: The devs are really picking up the pace and keeping up with us in updates and fixes.

And remember:

Priority One:
Insure Return Of Organism For Analysis.
All Other Considerations Secondary.
Crew Expendable.
Posted 25 June, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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28.1 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The devs really are keeping the spice flowing.
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Everything in the pack is as advertised. Very well put together for what is given.
The only thing I wish, and this is rampant in nearly all DLC for characters, is that the faces had 'emotions'.
You're only given the static closeup of the character's face for dialogue.
In my book, for dialogue chats, every character should have 8 basic emotes for their faces:

Normal - Happy - Sad - Surprised - Angry - Flirty - Disappointed - In Thought

There are others, but those normally cover every aspect of normal conversations.

As of now, I had to Photoshop edit the sets and hand craft each of these for each character I used.
Not really a deal breaker - after all anyone normally using these probably has some development skill sets already under the belt.

Highly recommended for anyone needing a few magical beings for their game.
Posted 28 July, 2022.
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130.3 hrs on record (123.9 hrs at review time)
First: I love the entire Aliens Franchise.
This game brings that franchise to life in a lot of fun ways.
There's only one killer of this game - content. The main story line and achievements, hidden items and collectables in the game are rather fast and easy to get with a little grinding.

Playing this game as a hardcore "I need everything instantly for I am the lord of all games" will make you feel cheated - but playing it for the story and Alien fun it brings will make you feel much better.

In all, the game is great, it brings to the table everything you love about the Aliens Franchise. Play it for that and you won't be disappointed.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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1,555.7 hrs on record (49.2 hrs at review time)
I've been behind Apex Legends since it first came out - way before the Steam Version.
I have enjoyed the game a ton, even with the rampant cheating that goes on - and it is terribly bad.

There's something for everyone's play style, and more being added every once in awhile.

The only thing I warn you about is this: You're either going to have a good time, or get mowed instantly. There's no in-between here anymore. So settle with being fodder or champions, the good players got so bored they are now smurfing accounts left and right to ruin game play at the lower levels just to increase their tata or penis sizes with warm fuzzies because they can't kill others at their own level any more.

You will be fodder, or you will be a champion : there's no in between.

Good Luck and Have Fun (If you can).
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record
I give this nice sweet little jump scare game a 8/10.

I has a lot to showcase for the developer.
Good short story, a plot line (needs fleshing out, but opens up some expansion abilities later) and different mechanics throughout. Multiple Endings to find and fun things through out.
It only got an 8 for shortness and some unexplained interactions that don't seem to work - like The Sofa.
I feel this is a good showcase game - perhaps a small team or individual testing out some skill sets.

Going to keep my eye out on you, see what else you come up with! Keep up the good work.
Posted 23 November, 2019.
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217.4 hrs on record (59.9 hrs at review time)
This brings this old timer Battletech lover to some long lost memories.

Should you get this game? That's really up to if you are a fan of the lore and game style.

It is turned based, as has been stated in many posts. The cut scenes are dedicated to the old lore style from back in the day. You're not going to find the glossy high speed, low drag 3D you're used to. It's not the Battletech way. It's a throw back to the original old school gaming of Battletech.

The mechs are crafted to the detail of the original specs. Each moves and feels as that mech should. I've read that many people are having frame rate issues or some other problems. I've not seen anything like this myself. That doesn't mean they don't have them, it just means that I myself have never experienced such problems.
I do wish that each mech lance form different factions was colored to their faction, as of now - everything you fight is bland gun metal grey.

Game Play and Controls:
What's to say? You are in a turn based statergy. Each move is simple, precise, easily done and makes sense. It feels well done for the genre. You better get used to being a better strategiest: you will often be out numbered and sometimes out gunned. Placement and movement patterns will be your friend and sometimes a down right necessity.

Story Mode:
While I found the story mode quick, it does allow for you to simply fly around and do your own thing - to an extent - while in the story. The game also opens up to an entire map of possibilities; not quite the entire mapping of the Battletech world, but a nice chunk of it. It doesn't end just because you finish the main story mode.

Mech Selection:
Alright, there's just a plethera of mechs that could have been used in this game. I know that the developers couldn't put everything in there. Knowing this, there's still a nice variety. Mainly you're going to see what I think are the most easily identifiable mechs. I do hope that since there's Clan Tech being used on a few of them, that we'll see the Clan Mechs eventually. I do miss a good Widowmaker Dashi or Mad Cat Timberwolf.

Overall Opinion:
For Battletech this game feels spot on, minor liberties aside. It has great potential for expansion and really sets the mood for more addons and stories. I look forward to the future of this game. I am sure it will be a great expansion.

:: Update ::

With all the Current Season's DLC Done, we've got quite a plethora of new mechs, weapon systems, flash points (extended missions) and so much more!

If you enjoy the Battletech world, these add-on DLCs will definitely want to be on your shopping list as well.
Posted 24 May, 2018. Last edited 26 November, 2019.
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18.0 hrs on record (16.5 hrs at review time)
I've now been playing this since BETA -
I love the entire Warhammer 40k Universe. Hands down, the canon in this world is great.
Now taking the fact this is literally a 3D FPS version of Space Hulk, where you get to be in the Terminator armor yourself while locking doors, blowing down others and mowing down hordes of Genestealers - does seem to put a lot of people off.
Space Hulk did not have a deep plot, it was a set group of terminators vs an endless horde of Genestealers, that's it. Winning in that scenario was near impossible at times.

The developers did a great job brining the "hulk" to life. Corridors are seemless and you can feel the machine spirit around you as you walk in some very well done halls of each of the ships.

Now the developers put a spin on the classic slaughter house - there are range units as well. Most of those put the genestealers to shame unfortunately. You can feel the helplessness of being amassed against sometimes, not too often - after all, these aren't just normal terminators, they're Deathwing.

The enemy AI is rather shifty sometimes. You lock certain doors, they will move around to a different location - but still fall into a horde "pile on them" mode if left to their own devices.

I came into this game knowing it was going to be Space Hulk, yet from a First Person stance. So I was not disappointed. If you come to play this hoping for something other than that, it will fail to deliver.

I recommend this for anyone who loves the classic Space Hulk game - and wants to see it with a bit of flair from the new upgrades in the Warhammer 40k universe.
Posted 3 January, 2017.
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12 people found this review helpful
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677.6 hrs on record (299.9 hrs at review time)
I've been playing Wurm Since it's inception back on the old Online version. This version is identical - except the server admins are the players and we can actually create the world we play in. All in all - it's a great time waster.
Posted 2 November, 2016.
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9 people found this review helpful
58.7 hrs on record (46.9 hrs at review time)
I've been playing this game on and off throughout it's release, and I have to say - it's a rather well developed game. I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves a good board game while having great graphics and storyline at the same time.

There's a class of character for any style of player, and replay is very high.

With the new addons and graphical enhancements - the game keeps getting better!

Nominated this one for a Game Award.
Posted 2 September, 2015. Last edited 28 November, 2016.
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