If you get a friend request from me, I added you for either Blood or Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (or regarding removed games collecting)
If you haven't already, go ahead and download BloodGDX! (My "mission" is to make as many people as possible aware of it, you're welcome to help me with this "quest" if you're willing).
Also join the FB group and Discord:
Blood theme song
Blood II Center for Disease Management (previously Ancient One Combat II link)

Dopefish lives!
The monkey doesn't have the data module.
Erusaer Tsymmom!
The party fought valiantly.
Currently Offline
Removed games collector
Looking for people with Blood Fresh Supply :D_Stop: :HandAgony: :leftamark: :bloodsplat: :tntsticks: :boomspell: :ammo: :WoundedMe: :deusex: (fav level: CP04 or, from original Blood: E2M6 or E3M6 (the Dam Reservoir level); favorite episode as a whole would be E2) / Duke Nukem 3D :DukeThreedee: (fav level: E4M9) for MP party! Leave a comment with the reason and send me a friend request if you want to play (or just talk about) (or like) one of the games mentioned before with me.
I'm idling games 24/7 to get ridiculous playtime for fun; due to that, I'm #2 on worldwide most played hours count for One Unit Whole Blood according to , after Implacity.
:RockSkull: :tank_fire: :gspider: :eyesee: :SacredSword: :CleoMoon:
Review Showcase
One of the best games ever made, a hidden gem. Blood is a classic. Go ahead and play this, it's still a lot of fun even 21 years later. You should also try the newly released BloodGDX, it's awesome. (If you've just stumbled upon this page and have no idea what this game is about, please give it a try before you leave, don't just ignore this). A game for horror fanatics and retro gamers alike. If you're one of those people that miss that 90's feel, this game is for you too. You like dark humor? Even better.
You get to chop heads off, burn people alive and fight the army of the undead. You get to fight the dark god himself. It's gory, it's macabre, it is perfect.
Don't forget to play Cryptic Passage as well, its level design is absolutely genius in my opinion. Also Death Wish is a must play, I'd say it's even better than the original game!
BTW, add me if you want to play multiplayer :) (or if you have some questions about this game / need some convincing to buy it)
Recent Activity
0.1 hrs on record
last played on 13 Jan
0.3 hrs on record
last played on 13 Jan
0.2 hrs on record
last played on 13 Jan
D4_ 21 Mar @ 12:15pm 
"Amerzone: The Explorer’s Legacy" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:

Follow my Curator for more! :goldencheck:
D4_ 17 Mar @ 10:07am 
D4_ 13 Mar @ 12:10pm 
"STTZA: The Beginning" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:

I don't ask for much, so please consider following my curator page, it would be a big help:
D4_ 3 Mar @ 1:24pm 
"Isle of Jura" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:
D4_ 4 Feb @ 7:00am 
"RPG Maker VX Ace" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:
D4_ 19 Jan @ 2:13pm 
"HuniePop" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:

"Mini Thief" is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand: