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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 178.8 hrs on record (88.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 31 Aug, 2022 @ 5:52am
Updated: 31 Aug, 2022 @ 5:53am

This is how we imagined original would be if we had the right tech back then

Final Fantasy 7 is one of the best rpg's of all time for a good reason. It has amazing story along with great backstories, great character development, lore, soundtrack, world and gameplay. It's basically a perfect game. Oh and one of the best if not the best antagonist in gaming history. But that was 1997, if you try to play that game now it isn't THAT good anymore but it's still great and it's not nostalgia speaking. I replayed it few years ago. What feels outdated is obviously graphics but that's no problem. The problem is the annoying combat of the original, it's slow and boring. It just isn't fun today. Turn based combat is cool, it works perfectly in games like divinity Original Sin but it doesn't in jrpg's. Why? Because 99% of the time you fight monsters in random encounters and that's just pressing one button.

So how is the remake? It's definitely one of the best games released this year and the best jrpg. It's the best game i've played this year in general. I did not expect much, especially from an SE game. I thought it will be some half baked FF15 with FF7 characters. But my oh my it almost made me cry few times. The intro cut-scene which is the first minute of the game leads to goosebumps. The game feels like FF13 (which I loves because it had good combat) mixed with a bit of FF15 and of course FF7.

So what about the story? It's basically the first ~8h of the original. Remake ends where the original begins. It took me a bit less than 70h to finish the story including the dlc. So the story is greatly expanded and you get to know characters like Jessie, Biggs and Wedge more. You get to explore the slums, a bit of the city and shinra headquarters. The game doesn't drag, it's all content, quality content. You get some side quests but those are fun and all different, besides there are only few of them.
The story revolves around avalanche – the eco terrorists who want to blow up the Mako reactors which are sucking the life out of the planet. And...well your journey begins.

Gameplay is where the most changes were made and FF7 Remake has the best combat system in the whole series. It's fast, it's fun, it's diverse. Unlike in FF15 where you had no items nor magic, here you have everything. Regular attack, heavy attack, countless number of abilities, spells, items, limit breaks and summons.
Each weapon has its skill. Once you learn that skill you can use it with any weapon, so with time you get a lot of skills to use. Each weapon also has upgrades.
Spells are the usual magic – fire, ice, wind, lightning, poison, etc. Haste, barrier and many more are also there.
Abilities are powerful attacks or buffs you can execute any time you wish. Each character has unique set of abilities, limit breaks and fighting style. Cloud is pretty fast and strong, Barret is slow and uses his arm-cannon. Aerith use ranged magic attacks, Tifa is very fast and uses her fists and Yuffie is the most fun for me. She uses a mix of melee and ranged attacks and also can imbue her weapon with magic element. She is extremely fast and agile.

Combat in general is the best i've seen in any rpg game. It's real time but you have atb bars – when they're filled you can execute your ability, spell, use an item or summon. You can switch characters on the fly or just give them orders. While switching or trying to use the ability/magic/item the time stops and you have time to think. Switching characters is essential. You'll need to get used to combat but when you get a hang of it, it feels so good.
And then we have summons. Those are powerful beings which come to help you. They have their special attacks and abilities and could help you a lot. You can summon when fighting tough enemies.

Gameplay is very linear, just like all the other FF games, but this one relates more to FF13. Is it bad? No. FF always was extremely linear. You basically just proceed through the story while doing some side stuff. And side activities are so much fun and they will make you sweat and laugh.
You also fight a lot. Remember those repetitive fights where you fight same enemies hundreds of times? It's not here. Sure you will fight same enemies but it won't be too often. Most of the time you will fight different enemies where you need to use different tactics. And there's a lot of boss and strong enemy fights where you'll spend significant amount of time beating them. And because combat is so good, even though you'll be fighting an enemy for 20 minutes it'll feel like 5 minutes.
Don't forget materia management, it means a lot and will change the outcome of many battles.

Another great feature is chapter select and hard mode. Chapter select is very well done which means that after you beat the game you can choose a chapter and grind for levels, materia upgrades and weapons skills or collectibles and side quests. All of this is handy in preparation for your hard playthrough. The good thing is that if you for example pick to replay chapter 12, the progress will carry to chapter 16. This is chapter select done the best way possible.
Hard playthrough works as a NG+, you retain your upgrades and everything else but can't use items and you get additional content which isn't available in normal difficulty. So in overall you're looking into 100h+ gameplay value.

Graphics look stunning and bad at the same time. Here's why. Main character models, animations, graphics are perfect. It's a joy to see all the characters in such great detail, something you have dreamed about in 1997 like “oh I hope in the future the whole game will look like these cut-scenes” and here we are – it even looks way better than those awesome cut-scenes. The graphics in general are very crisp and has no aliasing or anything, looks really neat. Speaking of cut-scenes – you get few pre-rendered ones but most of them are real time and they're awesome. You want to watch every cut-scene with passion, you want to cry wathing some, you want to laugh watching others. They're THAT good.
Now environment graphics...well it's meh. Low-res textures all around you. Like really low-res, ugly looking textures. Random npc's also are lower quality but still look pretty good.

Performance is fantastic, one of the smoothest i've seen lately, comparable to God of War. I played with flawless widescreen from the start so maybe it improves some things. I locked fps to 90 and it stayed there. On top of that I was streaming the game. It ran smooth like silk, only sometimes dipping to 80's. Combat was smooth with 0 slowdowns or stutter. Excellent performance.
Played on 5800x, rtx3080, 32GB, @3440x1400.
Downside is that there are only two graphics options so I have a feeling people with mid/low-range systems might have performance problems. SE is known for lazy ports. Also no ultrawide support so you're forced to use flawless widescreen.

Sound is a huge part of Final fantasy games. You will hear the soundtrack you already know and it's great. It will bring tears to your eyes.
Voice acting is highest quality too. Most characters sound exactly how I imagined so when you hear their voices it doesn't sound weird, you feel at home.

Overall an excellent game, one of the best jrpg's. Beautifully recreated world, characters, improved and fast combat makes a wonderful game. It's only ~15% of the original game but it's greatly expanded so you shouldn't be mad about that.

  • Expanded story and characters
  • Remake done right
  • Fantastic combat
  • Excellent performance
  • Looks stunning most of the time
  • Outstanding sound design
  • Background textures are low quality
  • No native ultrawide support
  • Lack of graphic options

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Manostion 6 May, 2023 @ 5:56pm 
I still don't care about the combat system, and turn-based would've been fine, but so is what we got.

The story isn't "greatly expanded", though. That implies that it's still the same story, just with added lore, character development, etc. This is a very different story, and it mocks the fans who had been asking for a remake ever since Square showed that Tech demo all those years ago. That makes this neither remake nor reboot. It's a sequel. You need to have played the original, but you're also punished for liking that one.

FFVIIR is a technical marvel, but it fails to deliver what it promises.
And I know about Steam's character limit, all my reviews reach it. This is still misleading.
Kosmozuikis 6 May, 2023 @ 5:31pm 
Turn based combat is outdated and they should either change it to faster combat or evolve turn based combat into something interesting and not just press A to kill. Or at least remove random encounters from modern jrpg's and remove all the grind. This one solves that problem.
Remake, reboot, whatever, i'm not gonna spoil the story. Besides i ran out of characters and had to cut the review by couple of paragraphs. There's character limit on steam reviews. And i mentioned that story is greatly expanded.
Manostion 6 May, 2023 @ 7:05am 
Actually, on the previous comments, it's kinda funny how both sides spout the same nonsense. One commenter says the game got absolutely ruined by a new combat system, which is dumb as fuck, and then Kosmo retorts by saying "what we, the fans of the original, wanted", which is just as short-sighted.

All of you arguing about whether or not "true fans" wanted turn-based combat are equally wrong, because there will be people who loved the original who hate the changes and those who love them. Same for the new story, which kinda makes it a sequel rather than a remake. Me, I hated it, someone else may not even have realized it (although it eludes me how you would manage that), and yet another person may love those specific changes. My issue here is that a) literally nobody asked for a remake of the first that retroactively messes with the plot and has characters trying to change the outcome, and that b) this review doesn't even hint at the existence of those changes.
Manostion 6 May, 2023 @ 6:46am 
Oh my, the debate in the comments is heated... personally, I don't really mind the changes they made in regards to turn-based vs action, so I won't comment on that part of the remake/review.

What I do have an issue with is that this is NOT a remake. The story is changed from the very moment the ghosts are introduced and people start to talk about changing destiny. Your review is, sadly, very misleading, as there are many fans who didn't come into this hoping for a Ryan Johnson style subversion of expectations. FF7R could have been an excellent recreation of the original game, but it wasn't even trying to. And so much of it makes no sense whatsoever.

The game is a huge letdown, and sadly, so is this review, for not even mentioning the massive changes to the plot.
KaleidoDeer 28 Sep, 2022 @ 5:21pm 
""Fans of the original" DID NOT ask for this game, randoms like you did."
This is a no true scotsman fallacy to a T. The reality is there will be fans of the original who did and did not want these kind of changes. Wanting the change doesn't make you a "random" or any less of a fan. Thats some weird gatekeeping. Unless you have some statistically significant data on it its best if everyone doesn't try to speak on others behalf.

"This is written by someone who just doesn't like turn based action."
Wow its almost like you are allowed to be biased and compare the experience of the game to past experiences. You are absolutely allowed to say this game sucks for its live action combat. That would be YOUR review and YOUR opinion. You don't have to go through life being a fence sitter if you don't want to. Sounds like you read the review expecting it to be impartial to everything when there was 0 indication that was the angle the review was going for.
Kosmozuikis 21 Sep, 2022 @ 4:40am 
Oh my you’re mad now. FF7R is a great recreation of the og.
JWA 20 Sep, 2022 @ 11:02pm 
Whats the point of you getting salty? You leave comments open, get mad when someone leaves their opinion. Either learn how to hold a civil discussion or turn them off if you lack self control.
No they added that for QoL like all good games do lol. People loved random encounters its just when its time to move on you need mechanics to avoid the fight, which hence they added.
Nah just go google and most people agree with me, looks like your own comments also agree. Its a money grab or made for noobs like you who missed the good times. Thats why they chopped the game up and changed everything that made it FF7. "Fans of the original" DID NOT ask for this game, randoms like you did. Square knows the og fans will play the old ones anyways, its why they make a million new versions of the same game lol. HD, pixels, etc.
Kosmozuikis 19 Sep, 2022 @ 3:36am 
Seriously what is the point of this? You hate innovation, that's fine, just write your own review, downvote mine and move on.

Yes i hate turn based and this my first ever jrpg, that's why my favorite game is FFIX and i'm in love with Atelier series.

"auto fight/speed up with newer versions" haha this only proves what i said. They added this because everyone is tired of random encounters but you need xp and can't just rush everything.

You can cry however you like it will change nothing. It's a great remake which retains the soul of FF7 and has improved on combat.
JWA 18 Sep, 2022 @ 5:39pm 
Rest was sound assessments and glad there are people who totally dig this game. Id say however this is not for big fans of FF7, this merely just takes the characters and locations from it, the heart is not there just the aesthetic. Side quests are just filler, nothing like previous titles. Its a bit hard to swallow for many fans as this is a total remake and trying to remake a masterpiece is pretty insulting.
Still, for a glam-up hack and slash with ff7 assets id say itll be great for people seeking that.
JWA 18 Sep, 2022 @ 5:39pm 
This is written by someone who just doesn't like turn based action. If i were to review and say this ff sucks just because the live action sucks vs turned based thats also biased. Also saying "Combat in general is the best i've seen in any rpg game" is also extremely bias. I mean this sounds like someone either new to ff (lack of jarpg is telling) or wasn't good with random encounters (you can run, use escape materia or auto fight/speed up with newer versions) or a new gen gamer who the company is exactly targeting and this review would make them weep for joy.