bzzzzzzzzz SMG (19/35)
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Transcript:


"Everything ends eventually, even if history is not changed, even if the world of darkness continues in its current state... Eventually the day will come when I won't be here anymore. Since that's the case, the timing of it doesn't matter. The important thing is not how long you live, it's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important... That would definitely carry on into the future. My spirit will always live on. And so, if I were to disappear... I think all that I have accomplished will go on. That would mean, that it's living. Right?" -Grovyle.

"A world in which the sun rises... It is so beautiful...
The sun... I had no idea that it could be this warm.
I... Being able to see the sun before the end...
And... Being able to see it with you...
I am really glad...
That I am alive... I am really glad..."-Celebi.

"People need devils and dark gods, if only to give them a foe to rally against, an obstacle to overcome. Your people understood that there can be no light without darkness, no good without evil, no triumph without setbacks. You can't kill me because I'm part of all that you are, all you've done and plan to do. You don't have to like me. You can even loathe me. But you must accept me." Lord Loss.
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mcjp11580 22 Jul, 2017 @ 1:47am 
ColesFresh™ Garbage Memes 4 Jun, 2017 @ 12:08am 
I disagree. What if it was mine?
bzzzzzzzzz SMG (19/35) 4 Jun, 2017 @ 12:07am 
Oh that's my jacket.
kamigt0 26 May, 2017 @ 1:55am 
Abraham Wono
May 13 at 3:52pm
I have someones sports jacket, whoever own's it left it on Weigall 3
bzzzzzzzzz SMG (19/35) 15 Jul, 2016 @ 1:21am 
Wut i was legit simon in oen of the matches, i can show u real togglez m9, teh one where i was hacking i was triolling u
ColesFresh™ Garbage Memes 15 Jul, 2016 @ 1:03am 
"1v1 me you will be so salty"
uses aim assist/recoil scripts