Social Gamer.
Edwanic 15 Jul, 2013 @ 4:14pm 
this is in return for your badge
Edwanic 9 Jul, 2011 @ 2:26pm 
Play more forsaken world we are waiting. and post a screen shot
7seventy7 13 Jun, 2011 @ 6:48pm 
Hope Duke Nukem was worth the wait! Soon we shall see.......
Hreidmar 8 Feb, 2011 @ 8:53pm 
@paper clip cause i forget to change it to away lol
Hreidmar 12 Nov, 2009 @ 1:05pm 
*SIGH* I've just died on hardcore mode for the second time in torchlight. I'm determined to beat it without dying but when you open a trap and it kills you in one hit it's rather disheartening