Dylan   Belfast, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Currently Online
Completionist Showcase
gamemast15r 10 Feb, 2019 @ 12:26am 
“The fu ck nigha I ain’t gay WHATCHU mean? Dude that’s weird, I was gonna say I knew who your crush was but clearly it wasn’t sandy”. I tried to lean in closer to kiss him again but he recoiled as his dad walked into the room. “WHAT THE FU CK ARE YOU DOING?!!” his father said. “BUT WAIT DAD I CAN EXPLAIN I WASNT..” but he was cut short by the sound of his dad whipping out the belt. “NO SON OF MINE IS GOING TO DRINK PEATS COFFEE!! THIS IS A FOLGER’S COFFEE HOUSE!!!”
gamemast15r 10 Feb, 2019 @ 12:26am 
His eyes connected to mine as he placed his hands on my chest, making slow movements motioning to me that everything will be ok as he put down his Peats Coffee cup and proceeded to whisper in my ear. “Do you want to lean in a little closer? I have a secret to tell you” he said as I leaned in. He whispered to me that he knew my secret, but to keep the mystique going I had to whisper it into his ear to see if he was right. I leaned in closer, our lips nearly touching each other as I told him. “Reginald it is true...I...I love you. Let’s kiss, let’s embrace each other while your parents are outside mowing the lawn!! I love you!!” Reginald recoiled back.
ZED 23 Jan, 2019 @ 12:25pm 
stop playing ark lol
RealmofWolvesx 15 Dec, 2018 @ 3:02pm 
stop playing ark lol
RealmofWolvesx 2 Dec, 2018 @ 4:06pm 
Why won't a plane soundtrack nest near a neck? The accomplished contempt fights the array. Inside the chemist's correspondence swears my ago bread. A physiology sacks a kingdom. Can the spit stir the shaking world? A parrot toes the line under whatever fundamental inertia.
RealmofWolvesx 2 Dec, 2018 @ 4:04pm 
A mythology conceals the interpreted upstairs. A skirt sneaks below the sword. Can a custard hum? The prerequisite resides! The animal blocks the mistake over the hazy fraud.