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12 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
44.8 uur in totaal (38.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Interesting game with a lot of potential to grow. Runs well and whats in it is working well.
What it needs more is more deepth to its elements.
- Specialisations all feel samey, they need more distinct rooms, equipment or requirements,
- Rooms could use stats and placing more, or more expensive elements could improve their performance,
- Staff training for skills rather than a passive growth,
- Supply chains for meds/equipments,
- More ambulance types cheaper variants and helicopters,

Looking forward to what the DLC brings to the gameplay.
Geplaatst 9 april 2020.
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11.2 uur in totaal
Grade A.
Amazing game and very much recommending it.

Some critique:
- Being forced to follow the spirit thing is really annoying. I already know where I have to go and route chosen by the spirit is optimised for theatrics not distance. Does it really have to fly around every mast on its way?

Geplaatst 2 januari 2020.
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108.1 uur in totaal (92.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Grade: B

This game is solid enough. It does not excel at any aspects but it also does not fail at anything really.

Storywise, it had some interesting things going but also plenty of plot holes, inconsistencies and "very convenient outcomes".
Some characters felt a bit flat and underdeveloped, but several were interesting and following their story was very enjoyable.

Combat, personally did not click with me it is fast and responsive, and I am sure plenty of folks would enjoy it.
It's just not what I would expect from an action rpg - look at Dark Souls or YS:Origin you have light attack, heavy attack, jump/roll, maybe some special attack and thats it, you are set for game. Fun comes from mastering simple controls against tricky opponents. Here you have 3 special bars to keep track of, then a "stamina" bar for semi-special atacks. There is also an elemental weaknesses system which but you cannot tie it to consistent buttons because your characters "rotate" between two slots controlled by two buttons. Feels really messy, as if turn based team was told to develop a real time combat game.

I feel like this game could be much better if only they have spent some more time on it. It is still worth playing and has good moments.
Geplaatst 30 december 2019.
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82.2 uur in totaal (25.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
*Update*: The Bug was eventually fixed. I am leaving the previous message as a warning to checkout the current state of game before purchase.

I have enjoyed the game while it worked.... then the Donkey, who is the only source of corpses got stuck in the village.
Google shows this bug has been in the game for well over a year with plenty of reports in bug section and devs are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
Recommended fix is to start a new game and hope it wont happen again.... yeah.. no.
Geplaatst 14 mei 2019. Laatst gewijzigd 29 mei 2019.
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7 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
4.9 uur in totaal
Due to irreconcilable platform differences, it was decided in the beginning of development for Disgaea 5 Complete that this review would be Negative.

Remove features from a "Complete" edition, tell nobody about it untill players find this out themselves.

In normal world this type of behaviour ends with fines, refunds, company shut down and and maybe even some jail time, but on Steam, scamming your customers just unlocks an achievement and a trading card to sell on the marketplace...
Geplaatst 23 oktober 2018.
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85 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
5 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
49.6 uur in totaal
Would be neutral as the game has good sides, but I cannot really recomment this game coming from Shinovi Versus.

- improved graphics,
- more girls, more maps, more costumes, more accessories, more DLC (hurr),
- big improvements to dressing room,
- ultimates no longer require low health.

- The combat is absolutely infuriating, not only did they not fix issues from previous game but they geniunely made it worse,
- combat was made painfully SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, coming into this game straight after Sinovi Versus it hit me like a truck, there is now delay on every move be it attack , dodge, jump or even running and it feels awful,
- constantly being stunned/frozen/interrupted/unable to move - because if there is one thing I want in my hack & slash is to not be able to hack or slash...
It is okay to pushing players with CC occasinally for some really bad moves but this game hands out CC like candy
- camera is awful, if you ever get fighting next to a wall you wont be seeing a thing,
- AI shinobi blatantly cheat with ungodly levels of stagger immunity, while you will get interrupted and stunned just form them looking in your general direction, extra fun when every second mission sees you fighting 3 at once....
This quickly forces you into simple tactics of spamming all secret arts and then either hit and run or baiting for prefect blocks to get scrolls for more secret arts,
- stun break still does next to nothing against AI, they recover and are back at your throat in less than a second ( but still somehow whenever they do it my character is pushed off and unable to move... )
- characters still dont feel balanced at all, now this one is more of a personal taste but some characters feel vastly stronger than others.

I do intend to finish the story mode at least as I hate dropping games but I will be very unlikely to pick up next Versus game unless I see some proper rework of combat. I want fun not frustration. I dont want to learn to cheat with animation cancels in order to counter AI cheating...
Geplaatst 7 oktober 2018.
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41.0 uur in totaal
After the game started to work I am updating this review. The old one will be at bottom as it is still somewhat relevant.

If you manage to void technical issues the game is a solid 7/10.

Artstyle - Wonderful music and aesthetics, the game has a very comfy feeling to it.

Story - Story is simple but interesting if you pay attention to details. Some of the characters are a bit more cliche and there are definitely plot holes if you look for them.

Game balance - Many JRPG tend to do this thing, everything is a steamroll anb then out of nowhere they drop a gimmicky enemy at you. There are at least two bosses in normal story mode that will be extreamly challenging unless you come in with a specific setup. If you dont like this type of surprises (I dont), I would reccoment to play with a guide.

What could be better - In my opinion weakest part of the game are its mechanics, a lot of them sound really cool at start but turn out to be bland or just annoying.
- having to kill enemies in dozen ways to get all items so you can unlock abilities is not fun,
- weapon upgrades are waste of money untill endgame,
- more save spots - it is not like they heal you anyway why do I have to go thorough 5 maps of a dungeon without ability to save... (Yes Ithees Ruins, I am looking at you)
- Maps? Where are they?
- Bazilion of combos sound nice on paper but a lot of them are worthless or locked thorough majority of the game so you never bother to try them,
- Why is ability to see enemy HP tied to talismans why not make it a spiritinite and get rid of whole class of uselss talismans. Then again talismans arent fun anyway,
- Flux system could really use some love, RNG upgrades are not fun. Some people can beat whole game without even finding that there are Support fluxes (gimmicky talismans at fault again),



Game consistently crashes 5 seconds after starting.

Several hours of Google Fu came up with a lot of confused people attempting to fix various issues with this game ranging from reinstaling C++ libraries, disabling anti virus software, unplugging specific USB devices, to installing MS Visual Studio ( I kid you not)
I am pretty sure that in private, many of the induviduals also attempted to sacrifice cute little animals to various gods of the underwolrd whose names better remain unspoken.

What I found most interesting is that some of those ridiculus fixes did work for some folks, but of course without any consistency.

To add an insult to the injury Steam refused refund request because I bough the game more than two weeks ago (They are totaly right though I definitely should stop buying random tosh on sale to find out it doesnt even work later).

P.S. I had to keep crahsing this game for extra minute to post this review (min is 5 mins of "playtime".
Geplaatst 26 mei 2018. Laatst gewijzigd 3 juni 2018.
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39.1 uur in totaal (38.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The game is servicable. If youre a Nep fan you can find some enjoyment in it (hence Recomendation), if you are not you probably wont like it.

Graphical fidelity is a big improvement over previous titles, especialy play areas are now much more details and none of them, so far, were copy pasted from previous titles. Sadly the portraits animations are gone ( supposedly engine limitations?).

Cosmetic items got a very nice upograde allowing you to freelely place them anywhere on models and rotate in 360 degrees. Except there is a bug in current version that wont display cometics on any character other than main... (Thankfully at least costumes still work).

Unfortunately where the game falls flat on its face is the combat. It is essencialy spam X untill victory. There is no combo variations as all characters have one single combo chain that cannot be edited. Occasionaly you have to block and you also have some special attacks that simply do more damage for price of SP. There is ability to dash but I have yet to find any use for it.

Main frustration is how the combat feels. The enemies don't actualy die when their health is deepleted but only after their animation ends ( and they can still damage you if they were in combat animation) It just feels off. Also all bosses are GIANT HP spoonges.

Geplaatst 11 maart 2018.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
43.5 uur in totaal
I actualy did enjoy the gameplay for the most part (final chapters are packed with very repetitive and boring fights though).

Unfortunately then, I realised that the only way to collect all the cards is to spend outrageous ammounts of real money in cash shop, and its not like you are even buying power as the multiplayer is disabled on the PC...
Geplaatst 2 juli 2017.
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10 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
85.0 uur in totaal (43.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I was told this is best mainaline Nep game. So far 36 hours in, and its by FAR the worst one.

Sure they removed/improved some elements from previous games that were medicore like armor breaking....
And replaced them by systems that are just as bad.

Some enemies have breakable parts. Cool, except there are cases where you can hit that enemy in that weak spot for whole fight and it wont break before enemy dies...

Replaced combo system from pressin Same button X times..
To a system where you set up a combo and press same combination of X buttons every single time...

The worst part though is that the game feels like chore.

Route Building is a complete waste of time.
Random map encounters aginst joke enemies that give no reward. Waste of time.
Pathetic experience/credit gains forcing you to grind just for story progression (which I never ever had to do in a Neptunia game before). Waste of time.

Oh and dont get me started on Neplunker....

If you want a good nep game stick to 3 or 1.
Geplaatst 23 februari 2017.
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