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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 43.9 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 19 May, 2021 @ 12:08pm
Updated: 19 May, 2021 @ 12:23pm

TLDR: If you've never played Rome and this is your only way to get it, then the remaster is okay. But if you have the original, stick with that. The updated models are not worth the added hassle of a terrible interface.

== The Good ==
The unit models look great. They are improved versions of the originals, the devs didn't go overboard trying to make it look like a different game, just a prettier version of the one we love.

The remaster is more moddable and stable on some peoples' machines. I've had no issues, though I can tell that's a mixed bag depending on your machine.

== The Bad ==
Pathfinding feels worse, considerably worse, especially with skirmisher units.

The campaign map is hard to look at, both because of the new terrain color palette and the minimap; the faction map colors are changed and can be hard to differentiate.

And then here's the big one... The choices made for the UI are absolutely atrocious. The original UI was perfectly serviceable but the remaster made it worse in every single way. Some units have near identical cards (Pontic light/heavy cavalry), and every action requires more mouse clicks to accomplish.
-Building structures is harder.
-Training units is harder.
-Using agents is harder.
-Managing settlement finances is harder, you can't even see settlement income without opening a menu.
Every single change made to the UI was for the worse. As is, it's useable with some adjustment but very unenjoyable and totally unnecessary. Additionally, a lot of the flavorful images for events and actions have been changed or removed and I see no reason to just toss that artwork away.
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