2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 168.2 hrs on record (111.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Nov, 2024 @ 3:21pm

While this is a fun game at times, this isn't a Dragon Age game.
The writing is shallow, companions feel straight out of a young adult novel - and not on a good way (with Emmrich being the exception - solid companion with a good storyline), combat is clunky and at moments outright enraging: your companions do very little in terms of crowd control and ALL enemies flock immediately to you.
All of this could somewhat be excused if this game had the Dragon Age pizzaz: spoiler alert - it doesn't.
Major lore revelations and implications are dropped and characters just "okidoki" and move on with their day - some enemies are thrown in the mix just because and cameos we get seem like a funky caricature of DA:I characters.

I cannot at this moment recommend this game. Do I regret buying it? No because I got my money's worth, but is it worth at this price and is it even worthy of being a DA game? In my opinion, absolutely not.
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