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Додано: 4 лип. 2015 о 12:11
Оновлено: 9 лип. 2015 о 16:58
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I saw this game on the F2P list and decided to give it a shot. My initial impressions were that the game seemed to be pretty decent for a F2P. But after playing for awhile I started to see the hacks become more and more prevalent... some even outright blatant. Even with thier "Anti-Cheat" X-Trap... which installs automatically with the game. It sure didn't seem to be stopping people from ruining other players enjoyment round after round.

Uninstalled and I would NOT recommend this game to anyone... unless they get the cheating under control. Then it might be worth a second look.

Red Duck Inc. was also responsible for that horrid game, A.V.A(Alliance of Valiant Arms)
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FuriouzOGP  [розробник] Додано: 27 лип. 2015 о 11:30

It's unfortunate you did not have an enjoyable experience with the game. If you happen to follow our weekly dev talks on Twitch (/MetroConflictOfficial) we talk about the commonly asked questions on a weekly basis. Most of the time it involves the hacker situation, and what we've done to combat it.

Some users may state that we don't communicate enough about the issue, however this, in my personal opinion, is false. Since day 1 of the hacker invasion, all of us (OGP, RD & Wiselogic) have been working hard to ensure we eliminate as many hackers from the game as we can. The reason why I didn't say 'all hackers' is mainly because, in all honesty, we can't get them all. However, with that being said, we are working around the clock to monitor the game and making sure that any missed (or new) hackers, are caught.

If you compare the situation to back when there was a tonne of them roaming the servers, the comparison now is like night and day. There aren't as many hackers, and if one is caught, we ensure that they are blocked forever.

As I mentioned, it's unfortunate that we cannot immediately catch them all. X-Trap is only one of the methods of hack detection, and we've already applied a few counter-measures to increase the efficiency of hack detection, and are already working on additional methods to further enhance it.

The Metro Conflict team hopes that you would give the game another shot, as dealing with the hackers has been one of our (if not the biggest) priorities since launch. We'd like to state that the game wouldn't continue without the players (we completely understand this), so it wouldn't make any sense if we didn't do anything about the hacking issue. Because of this we thank you and our community for the support and interest shown towards our game, and the valuable feedback which you have provided. We value every comment made, as we want to continue building the game to be the best it can be.

Коментарів: 6
Empyreal 8 верес. 2015 о 23:41 
Honestly the worst FPS i've ever played. Haven't even seen a hacker yet, nor will I ever since I uninstalled the game like everyone will in a few months.
S.S.LAZIO 15 серп. 2015 о 9:38 
This is really very very BAD BAD GAME
Big Cocked Goth GF 25 лип. 2015 о 13:32 
Please tell me how this is the game's fault
sirdraco9876 10 лип. 2015 о 18:45 
That moment when you realize Aeria Games made AVA shit, not Red Duck
LastPerseus 10 лип. 2015 о 15:55 
who play's ava today, this is a really old game, i do recommend some other games for example insurgency or cs go those are the best fps games but they are not F2P. Any ways i did played Metro Conflict yet but as i see at recommendations i will not even install it.
The Southener 7 лип. 2015 о 21:43 
ava is not a bad game