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1 person found this review helpful
15.9 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
I am so glad I've gotten the chance to play this. Such an engaging and amazing experience. I finally understand why this game has such high acclaim. If you like story driven, action adventure games you owe it to yourself to give this a go. You'll be crying, laughing and end up just feeling emotionally drained through out it (in a good way).

I've played all the ported ps games that have been released in the last couple of years.
This is the first one that has not crashed once during the entire play through. FPS is fine for me too, it's a stable experience.

The only issue I've experienced is screen tearing. Regardless of vsync on/off (ingame or windows settings) or gsync on/off and combinations of the two. Didn't fix it.

There is no denying that a lot of people are having issues and I feel lucky that I didn't. I do hope that gets fixed due to the experience this game gives. So is the port perfect? No! The game its self is pretty f'in close to it though. It's going to be one of those games you'll regret not being able to experience for the first time again.
Posted 1 April, 2023.
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43.6 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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17.3 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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30.9 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Valve did it again with Half-Life: Alyx. Pushing what gamers should expect from developers and setting a standard for the next years to come!
Gameplay is pretty much perfect. Music is lit. The story is fantastic. Having played through the previous half life games is a must, in my opinion, to completely appreciate it. There are some bugs here and there but nothing game breaking.

HL:A does have it's scary moments however it is not a horror game. Like in their previous games Valve holds your hand when introducing new situations be it an enemy or a new weapon. It lets you know what to expect and makes it easier to deal with whatever is thrown at you. This alone makes it a lot easier to deal with the unexpected because you got the basics down.

The game is not too difficult, I feel it's somewhat aimed at people with limited VR experience. Strong VR legs are not needed as you can tell a lot of effort was put into making this a smooth experience. Honestly it's actually a shame for new people who experience VR for the first time because right now this is the pinnacle of VR gaming and everything else will just feel like a let down once you tried this.
Posted 30 March, 2020. Last edited 30 March, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
134.6 hrs on record (14.4 hrs at review time)
Why are you checking the reviews, you know what this is about.
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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97.6 hrs on record (52.3 hrs at review time)
Brutal and unforgiving which makes it super satisfying to play. You'll need a few hours to get into it.
Posted 2 December, 2019.
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47.5 hrs on record (47.0 hrs at review time)
been awhile since i played, still great fun tho
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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131.8 hrs on record (34.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Saw a DLC and got it. Figured I'd write a little review about my first impression. A bit of background information: I consider myself a recreational beat saber player, I like popping in every now and then to play the game for a short while. Over the years I've played beat saber for about 35 something hours in total. So my opinion/mini review will be based around my experience and preferable play style of the game.
tl;dr: The DLC/new songs are great, especially the mapping stood out, so get'm!

When I saw the update I immediately jumped into the game and tried out all the new songs like a kid tearing through their presents on Christmas morning. Going through all the new songs took about hour and a half while making me work up a good sweat. The difficulty felt absolutely perfect while playing on expert. Managed to finish all of the songs around low end S score on the first or second try. A few failures here and there but doable for sure!

Music wise I'm not sold yet, once I really get into it I hope I'll start enjoying them more. Where this DLC shines so far is the mapping. They really raised the bar with it. The mapping really is amazing. There is more variation in how the blocks are placed and they line up with the music better then ever. The subtle changes in mapped repeats are great too. It makes it feel familiar but not similar. On average the songs are a bit longer. Personally I enjoy shorter songs around the two minute mark, but I didn't feel like a song went on too long.

I enjoy playing on expert because I find it a good challenge without the need to do a song over and over till you remember every single block positions, which is what I personally have to do, to finish a song on expert+. Expert+ feels like a grind, while playing on expert just makes me feel like a total bad ass. Perfect for the person who just likes to pop into the game for a quick couple of songs and get their instant gratification while doing it! Not getting a full combos on the first try will make me come back to it. So I see myself playing this for quite a bit in the following months. I do find it slightly odd that a game, in early access, already has a DLC but in my opinion it is definitely worth it. I don't think anyone will be disappointed if they already liked the original base game.
Posted 15 March, 2019. Last edited 15 March, 2019.
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143.8 hrs on record (45.2 hrs at review time)
Awesome time sink! Good roguelike game.
Posted 9 August, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries