kamyn9ka LevelUp BOT 22:1
No information given.
Currently Offline
!OWNER - show my owner profile, if you have any problems you may contact me!
!STATS - show current bot amount of currencies
!PRICES - to see our prices

!LEVEL [your dream level] - calculate how many sets and how many keys it'll cost to desired level
!CHECK - show how many sets the bot have available and how much you can craft
!CHECK [amount] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys
!CHECKTF [amount] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys
!CHECKGEMS [amount] - show how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of gems

!BUY [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
!BUYTF [amount of TF keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets you dont have, following the current BOT rate
!BUYGEMS [amount of sets] - use to buy that amount of sets for gems, following the current BOT rate
!BUYANY [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate

!BUYONE [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate
!BUYONETF [amount of TF keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate
!BUYONEGEMS [amount of sets] - use this if you are a badge collector. sames as !buyone, buy you pay with gems!
FREE KNIFE 25 Oct, 2017 @ 8:30am 
Thanks for using Fast Level UP service!
Blue LevelUp #BOT 22:1 25 Oct, 2017 @ 8:24am 
+Rep!, Thanks for use Blue Level Up services!
MiNd Level Up BOT 15 Oct, 2017 @ 6:41am 
+REP Thanks for using MiNd's level up service! Have a Nice Day!
roadtoglobal 9 Sep, 2017 @ 7:09am 
Thanks for trading with Gagey's level up service!
kamyn9ka LevelUp BOT 22:1 7 Sep, 2017 @ 6:56am 
Bot restarted
kamyn9ka | RUSTMONEY.COM 6 Sep, 2017 @ 8:53pm 
I restart bot after back from scool XD