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120.6 ore înregistrate (119.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat 27 noiembrie 2022.
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111.4 ore înregistrate (75.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
TLDR: Almost 2 years later, the game is exactly what I wanted it to be.

Having preorded the game I could not wait to play this game, it was everything I ever wanted in a game, a cyberpunk genre game, inspired by neuromancer, blade runner, and so many other works of fiction that are my all time favourites, I couldnt wait for it to come out, so I played this game on the day of launch, and needless to say it was one of the worst experiences of my gaming life.

I remmember soundly, a quest where you are tailing a van, and this van not only wasn't loaded, but i was being shot from invisible enemies, after 5 reloads and the same happening, I decided to stop playing. And also decided to forget about the game. My dissapointment was immeasurable as you can imagine. Nevertheless I decided against refunding, even if it wasn't an option due to me preordering, I still did not consider it, after all The Witcher 3 was also from CD Projekt RED, and I got it from a steam sale, and having played that game for as long as I did, I still consider it a steal, so I was still happy having paid the full ammount for this game, as a compensation of sorts.

I still had high hopes for the game, and whenever a new patch came out, I played it, and throughout the patches improvments were clear, and as of today, on the same setup as the day it came out, it now runs at a steady 50-60 fps (everything on low) compared to 10-30 on launch, (also on low).

This is to say, that today, Cyberpunk is a great game, and undoubtedly would've been one of the all time greats, if patch 1.5 was the release patch.

Having played for 75 hours, I have now completed every achievement, which is one of the things I love about gaming, grinding 100%, or the Platinum trophy, as it was in Playstation, and I usually base my opinion on the game of the experience of obtaining those trophies, alongside everything else of course. And that experience, was enjoyable. They are not too hard, but not easy either, and they give a sense of true completion of the game.

But I do have to say, some parts of this game feel shallow to me, I will not go into the story, because on that department I think it's a 10/10. But on the general gameplay I feel like there's a lot of content, but it lacks depth. You have combat, which starts out almost the same as it ends, if you're using melee instead of slashing slowly due to being out of stamina, late game you slash fast because you don't run out of stamina, and that's legit the only difference I felt having played through most of the game using blades.

Sneaking, crafting, quickhacking, just about everything in the game feels that way too. The core gameplay does not change, just how much you can get away it does. Early game if you play on very hard, dying is common, late game only if you are paying no attention do you die, which feels weird idk.

I still feel like its a great game, but that's my main criticism.
Postat 25 iunie 2022.
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138.3 ore înregistrate (69.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat 24 martie 2022.
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45.8 ore înregistrate (27.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Peacefully enjoying Everhood
Life Good
Frog fight back
Kill frog
Think about frog
Postat 25 noiembrie 2021.
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51.2 ore înregistrate (23.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
tldr 10/10
Postat 25 noiembrie 2020.
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71.2 ore înregistrate (69.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat 9 august 2020.
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176.2 ore înregistrate (69.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat 6 august 2020.
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51.1 ore înregistrate (22.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game hates you, and you'll love it because of that.
Postat 13 iunie 2020.
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58.4 ore înregistrate
It's a classic, if you haven't played it, you should, if you have then you know what i'm talking about.
Postat 26 decembrie 2019.
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261.1 ore înregistrate (143.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
11/10 would steal again and dodge 50 thousand bullets and run at the speed of light getting 1 shot by a dozer on OD
Postat 24 noiembrie 2017.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
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