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Publicada el 6 de diciembre de 2015.
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Overall the pack is pretty mediocre. If you REALLY love Bows then get this pack immediately. For anyone else, wait on a sale.
Publicada el 15 de septiembre de 2015.
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This is a difficult pack to recommend because unless you speak/understand Japanese, you are missing out on 90% of the pack. The included weapon, the Micro Uzi, is extremely mediocre. The Perk Deck is basically just Hitman 2.0 and even then not that much better. The only redeeming item is the Katana because you can decapitate cloakers, but not other enemies. Pass on this one or wait until it gets a steep sale.
Publicada el 30 de agosto de 2015.
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Publicada el 25 de julio de 2015.
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Publicada el 7 de julio de 2015.
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Publicada el 1 de julio de 2015.
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The latest piece of Payday 2 DLC has hit the e-shelves, leaving us asking the question: Is it worth it? For $5 you can get The Western Pack - three new weapons, a new type of grenade, four masks and four patterns. The short answer is: No, this pack is not worth it. If you’d like to learn why, then stay tuned and soon you shall be enlightened. Let’s kick this off by looking at the weapons. For each of these weapons, I have done a more in-depth review that you can check out at one of the links on the screen.

First up is the Peacemaker 45 revolver. This is a classic six-shooter. It also suffers from some of the classic problems that you might think a six-shooter has. For one, it takes forever to full reload this gun, around 5 seconds because each bullet must individually be reloaded. The iron sights feel a little off when using them, and from my experience I feel it works far better as a hip-fired gun and not as an aim-down-sights kind of gun. The gun is powerful, though, and one can’t help but draw a comparison between this gun and the Bronco .44 Revolver. The Bronco reloads far quicker and is much easier to aim, though. As a reliable sidearm, this gun is more flashy than anything else and should probably be left at home in favor of a more balanced sidearm.

An interesting and unexpected addition to the Payday 2 Universe. This is a bow that has regular arrows and explosive tipped arrows. The regular arrows are totally silent, making this a serviceable stealth weapon with its 30 concealment. The weapon takes a bit of getting used to, however, as each missed arrow leaves you wide open for attack. It also makes you highly vulnerable to Tasers, who we all know love to taze through walls and around corners, if only for a few moments.

The 1874 Repeater is classified as a sniper rifle. It has pretty solid damage, looks nice and has a pretty fair ammo supply and pickup rate. Like the Peacemaker 45, it reloads one bullet at a time. This might not really matter in some situations, but on higher difficulties you don’t want to get caught sluggishly reloading your gun bullet by bullet. Some people really like this gun, but to me it is just Rattlesnake Sniper Rifle with a few differences. Fully loaded will give you a few more bullets to play with before emptying out, but should you choose to use this gun I would recommend you reload early and not wait until you have no bullets left to fire.

A new throwable was added in this DLC. Dynamite. Dynamite works a little different than grenades. The primary difference is that it will sit on the ground a little longer before exploding, which makes sense given how dynamite functions. I have used dynamite a little bit here and there, so take the following with a grain of salt. The blast radius of dynamite feels a little bigger than with the standard grenade. It doesn’t really feel more powerful than a grenade, though. It is a cool item, but it won’t be replacing the Molotov cocktail in my armory. It certainly isn’t a reason to get the pack.

Melee Weapons
As with other DLC’s, you also get some new melee weapons. You will get the You're mine branding iron, The Scalper Tomahawk, The Arkansas Toothpick and Gold Fever.

Four masks are unlockable as part of some very easy achievements and they are
Wild West Classic, which is personally my favorite from this pack. The Desert Skull. Apache Mystic. And last by not least, the Lone Heister. OR as I like to call it, 50 Shades of Chains.

Like the many weapon packs before it, you get an assortment of weapons, masks, achievements, materials and patterns. The pack has its highlights for sure, I really like Wild West Classic mask and the Explossive arrows on the Plainstrider Bow are very nice and also unexpected. But for me, that’s all I really like here. Some people may like it, and sure its authentic, but I’m not a fan of reloading these guns one bullet at a time. It’s time consuming and I would rather spend that time killing things or helping my teammates than waiting to get back in the action. But you may like that, and if you do, good for you. Having said that, I would suggest waiting to catch this one on sale, unless you just really want it now. Or if buying this pack means you don’t go to McDonalds, then I’d suggest picking it up immediately and saving your body some damage. Let me know what you think of the Wild West pack as a whole. This is Axiom with good time gaming, reminding you guys to always have a good time gaming.
Publicada el 3 de mayo de 2015. Última edición: 3 de mayo de 2015.
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Hello gamers! Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number was recently released to the masses, and I have taken a break from popping heads and making meth in Payday 2 to bring you a quick review of this game. Full disclosure: I never played the first game but I am familiar with it, and I only purchased Hotline Miami 2 to get the bonuses that were being offered within Payday 2. That being said, I am glad that I did pick it up. Let’s get down to it!

Developed by Dennation Games and published by Devolver Digital, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is the sequel to the very successful Hotline Miami. The game’s story is a little confusing, and I’ll be honest I had to look it up online to understand it better. You play as a whole slew of characters in Hotline Miami 2. Like the first game, each character or mask has different abilities that make them handle just a little bit differently than others. At the end of Hotline Miami, the character Jacket was captured and is seen on trial in Hotline Miami 2. This plays a small part in Hotline Miami 2, but the constant shift between different characters, time periods ultimately forms the story in this game. You play as characters such as The Pig Butcher, Martin, starting out filming a violent snuff film, going onto TV and giving an interview so bizarre that suddenly Tom Cruses couch jumping antics seem totally normal. Following the arrest of The Pig Butcher, you end up in a police station and then fight and kill your way through until you ultimately find out that it is all part of the film.

The gameplay is absolutely awesome. Some characters start out a stage with a weapon, while others may simply use their fists to get the job done. You will punch, beat, strangle, chop and shoot your way through floors of enemies and paint the walls and floors with their blood. Hotline Miami 2 is a wonderfully explosion of blood and pixels and sometimes it is your blood. Yes, you will probably die several times throughout the levels. Like this. Or this. Or like that. Despite the near assurance of several untimely endings, it isn’t really all that bad and the levels go quickly enough that it never gets too frustrating. There really is no set way to finish each floor, allowing the player to dream up their own way to slaughter everyone in their path. The AI is at times kind of stupid and pretty easy to dupe, making some areas way easier than what they should probably be.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number has a great soundtrack that keeps you engrossed that keeps up with your movements. This isn’t your mama’s slow dance, the fast paced electronic beats will never lag behind your merciless run through each stage. Crank that ♥♥♥♥ up and get ready to experience a true killer’s soundtrack.

Overall the game is really entertaining but a little short. Dennation Games has said that a map editor is going to be released. I couldn’t find any information from Dennation Games that specifically said that there would be Steam workshop support, but I would guess that a map editor released along with Steam Workshop integration would make a lot of sense. At any rate, a map editor is coming which should inject a healthy amount of life into this game and allow you to create levels for the gamer masses to play and enjoy.
Publicada el 22 de marzo de 2015.
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The Secret World is a buy once - play forever experience. Endless skill customization, a dark and gritty story set in the modern day and more clothing than a Paris fashion show. Sharp and witty dialogue and a long are slathered over a large number of quests in one of the few MMO's that rewards players that explore and go off the beaten path. The game shows its age in graphics and janky character animations, but is overall a rewarding experience and one that is easy to recommend.

Not sure if you want to pay the price? Trial keys are available!

Publicada el 23 de febrero de 2015.
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While the content that you receive for $4.99 is pretty limited, the character is a hilarious addition to the established Payday 2 and brings a great voice and personality to the crew! Diehard fans should have no qualms about buying him up, for the less experienced or less invested, wait for a drop on his pricetag.

Publicada el 4 de febrero de 2015.
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