John Kaiser III   United States
I've been in the game industry for about 20 years. Started at Midway Home Entertainment and currently have my own company I cofounded GPAC Games []. If you see me listed as "developer" in a forum, know that I'm actually with the publisher ( Steam currently doesn't differentiate the two ).

Also 1 of 4 founders of TOTAL GEEK LIVE [] where we do written and video reviews, let's plays and talk about geek type stuff.

Huge fan of old-school and modern retro-style games with pixel art.

Recently got the itch to start streaming. Follow tho a set schedule is still to come.
Currently Offline
GuyCC 7 Feb, 2024 @ 5:27pm 
theKAIS3R 18 May, 2017 @ 12:57pm 
Guy, I'm just usually logged into my GPAC account for work stuffs. :)
GuyCC 12 May, 2017 @ 9:27am 
So have you given up this account, or...?
theKAIS3R 29 Sep, 2014 @ 4:48pm 
Wow, you live up to your name Truthseer! It is true, TinyKeep is LIVE!!!
truthseer27 29 Sep, 2014 @ 9:20am 
At last! I see Tiny Keep is available...YES!