Tablut Master
United States
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karrotspls 1 Sep, 2019 @ 10:43pm 
I fantasize about ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ California’s earthquake fault line. The dirt, the debris, the thought of the earth quivering under me as I slowly stick my ♥♥♥♥ into its gaping wide entrance. I keep looking at news stories and getting the firmest erections of my life seeing those beautiful cracks. She’s so open and so wanting. Each earthquake is like another whimper just begging for me to take her. The amount of ♥♥♥ I’ve lost just thinking about thrusting my rod into our beloved planet. Talk about getting my rocks off. ♥♥♥♥ I’m hard.
karrotspls 6 Aug, 2018 @ 1:20am 
I am not a fan of Alex Jones. But here is the problem. You're already clearly a low testosterone beta male. No offense.
And nothing is going to help you unless its pharmaceutical grade. Sorry man.
To be frank my dude, it wouldnt hurt you to maybe start a cycle of testosterone and maybe throw some tren in there. Hit the weights, eat a higher protein diet, and stop making these gay videos. Just saying. No offense.
karrotspls 29 May, 2018 @ 5:56pm 
I said that I identify as an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, (dead meme, I know), and un-ironically asked me what my preferred pronouns were. "Propeller and rotor." soon thereafter, I stated that my gender identity had changed to being mayonnaise. He once again un-ironically asked me what my preferred pronouns were. I couldn't take it, and burst out laughing alongside the rest of my like-minded peers. I managed to utter something along the lines of "this is what happens when the ideological pathogen known as liberalism infects western society." We need to win this culture war, pedes.
karrotspls 29 May, 2018 @ 5:56pm 
I'm 14. My school started sex-ed, and the teacher presented the class with a thought experiment: "would you rather have a bag of gummy worms or real worms, to eat?" the response of the class, was, of course, logical, in saying gummy worms. The androgynous looking slimy cuck running the class responded by saying that in a south-east Asian culture, the opposite would be true, and this is due to social constructs. He then said gender is the same way.
karrotspls 11 May, 2018 @ 12:29am 
I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for 10 minutes. To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B. Fouke's strongest badger poison and ran a mile in the nude. I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me. I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man and a rare Deepwater Jew. A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming that I have no soul.
Tablut Master 8 Jan, 2018 @ 5:01pm 
Thanks men!!!