Blake   United States
I did what the game said Boss, it's called "Left 4 Dead" so I left you for dead.

Currently Online
Mimsy 9 Dec, 2010 @ 3:18pm 
1 month later and the freezes continue. I'm saving for a new rig :/ haha.
DiggerDog 18 Nov, 2010 @ 7:04am 
HI Mimsy. Haven't tried the interp yet, but will do. Thanks for posting it.
Mimsy 10 Nov, 2010 @ 4:19pm 
My computer still refuses to let me play games, currently testing each and every component I have to see what the f is going on.
Mimsy 8 Nov, 2010 @ 8:13pm 
Looking for some people to join up an amateur league for l4d2! Also interp is as follows (cl_interp_ratio 1, cl_interp .067, you might also wanna make sure cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate are at 30 for best interp)
FuZZyLoGiC 6 Nov, 2010 @ 3:05pm 
Ditto what DiggerDogg said...good playing with you today and I am also curious to see that interp post.
DiggerDog 6 Nov, 2010 @ 1:13pm 
I guess I should also say, fun playin with you on Saturday :-)