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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 85.7 hrs on record
Posted: 29 Jul, 2020 @ 5:13am
Updated: 29 Jul, 2020 @ 5:13am

Now that I'm done with all the routes, time to write down a well-deserved review for this game.

tl;dr: With a wholesome and fulfilling story for each of the main heroines along with a great cast of supporting characters, Aokana is definitely one of the more safer choices when it comes to "What should I read next".

The Story

The story in Aokana is simple so it's quite easy to follow. In fact, for the most part it almost becomes too predictable. However, Aokana is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Throughout each route, you get to see not only the growth of the girl but Masaya (MC) himself; both as a FC player and a person.

The Heroines

Here's my brief opinion about each girl, as well as the route order I did for my playthrough and the route order I personally recommend:

Asuka : Asuka is almost too pure and innocent; the same thing can be said about her love for the sport as well as her motivation. She can be ditzy at times but that's what's so charming about her. Also I can't stress how much I love random Asuka's noise.

Rika : The friendly girl next door. Rika is kind and diligent but this is also her biggest weakest. Personally I think Rika's route is plain and is the weakest among the 4 but I don't dislike it. Sorry Rika's fans.

Mashiro : At first I wasn't excited at all about her character cause it seemed like it wouldn't function properly without Misaki's support. But I'm glad I was wrong. Mashiro has the most touching story and she really is the best kouhai you could ask for.

Misaki : Misaki is bae. That's all I have to say.

I finished the game with that exact order. Now, If I were to recommend the order I think would be the best, it has to be Rika/Mashiro -> Asuka -> Misaki. Rika and Mashiro's stories are unrelated to the overall plot so you can choose whoever you want. Misaki should be played last so you can truly experience her character development.

R18 Patch

I don't really know why but I gotta make a dedicated section for this.

There is a free patch up on NekoNyan's official website if you wish to restore the hscenes to your steam version of the game.

At first I really thought that it wasn't necessary to play Aokana with hscenes restored as weird as it may sound. I went with Asuka route first and for the most part the story revolved heavily around FC and sport in general so the romance aspect of the game wasn't at all prominent. Naturally this makes Asuka hscene kinda forced and it felt like they have it for the sake of having it. Rika and Mashiro didn't get much better treatment either. Misaki however, this I can approve of. Again, as weird as it sounds, Misaki route has a proper eroge feel to it so her hscene makes sense. At this point I know I'm not making any sense but if you make it this far thank you.

In conclusion

I think Aokana is great and you can't really go wrong with picking this up. Special shout-out to our adorable manager Madoka who makes every scene she appears in 10x more interesting!
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