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18.4 hrs last two weeks / 369.1 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Mar, 2022 @ 8:11pm
Updated: 27 Oct, 2022 @ 6:13pm

Early Access Review
The game is officially out now so it was important to update my review. Not because my opinion has changed, but to re-emphasize how great it still is. VS has helped usher in a new craze in gaming, and while there are many similar games now, this one holds its ground as the king. The presentation is amusing and well done, the progression is very intelligently designed to make you keep wanting to play one more round to keep getting more powerful, and instead of constantly trying to punish or balance you on your quest for power, the game encourages you to find ways to further break it. Even when it gives you new ways to make things harder, the real truth is the new challenges are there to help you bend the very game engine to your will even more. It leads to an experience that gives you endorphin hits akin to a slot machine while not stealing all your money like one (or like many other video games these days even). Just hours and hours of arcade adrenaline, witty design and humor, and extreme color and particle eyecandy for a single affordable purchase.
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