Indigo Jinx
Ellipses   Carson City, Nevada, United States
I'm back on PSN-PS5, I got fed up with mod/glitch exploiting, hack using, mic screaming/cussing, skill-less punk little boys (,& even a few girls), who brag about griefing players, or winning, when They HAD to cheat to do it, on P.C.... :carson:
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My NFS-Heat wraps garage sample
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My F&F Supra on Forza Horizon-4
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Review Showcase
127 Hours played
This game is cool, BUT is a resource hog to be sure, I know it's still in beta, but it takes a monster PC rig to run it in highest settings, but it still looks nice enough in lower rez + medium settings if you turn a few things off... It controls nice enough with an X360 for Win pad + it lets you remap the buttons... it's a "photo realistic" game so it looks awesome, since it's F2P D/L it, & give it a try.

FF[> YEARS, & The original developers have made this game SO RIDICULOUSLY pay-to-win, it's not even funny (this based on a couple years ago, I had been playing it for about 5 years since the beta on PC, & PS-4), unless you spend A LOT of money, or an utterly ridiculous amount of time playing this, grinding, & doing all the unfun stuff with try hards who just roll constantly, bypassing every possible enemy, & loot box, etc. just to speed run everything like tardtards... (I'm talking like over 10,000 hours per Warframe of terribly unfun stuff to be able to end game stuff)

*EDIT* (2nd) 8/30/22 I have been buying new shooter games, & after the HORRIBLE game that MOST of them are (Quake Champions, the NEW Unreal, Doom Eternal, what Destiny-2 has become, Fallout '76, etc.) I decided to go BACK to Warframe, a game I always enjoyed once I coped with the FACT that I had to avoid 2/3rds of it's content to have "FUN" playing it... ANYHOW the new owners have changed some stuff, made it run better somehow with BETTER graphics, & seem to even be helpful in Q&A chat channel, PLUS they don't just ban everyone forever from the chat just for no reason like the old jerks did... I dunno if they rebalanced the end game stuff, as I've been replaying it starting over for 2 days, but thus far My ONLY complaint is the guy who made the "official" Steam controller setup for the game has NO IDEA how to use that menu, or setup the controller, so I had to make My own (which Y'all can download, & use, it plays like Destiny-1, & 2, or pretty much ANY other well thought out shooter, be sure to edit the in game controller buttons JUST so it shows the correct buttons to match for contextual icons on the screen), anyways the new community since the game changed hands is A LOT less toxic, helpful even, & the game is one'a the best shooters ATM if you want to play "legit" as in no mods, or cheats like all the punk kids do that ruin other games.
Indigo Jinx 23 Aug, 2022 @ 8:25pm 
Welcome to online gaming 2022, where every toxic, repressed, teen 3rd world boy, drives daddies motor scooter from their jungle hut with no running water, nor electricity, & call it a "motorcycle", to the nearest towns' cyber cafe, with all their' games, cheat engine, & hack tools on flash drives they left BAD reviews on Amazon for "overheating", & slow read-write speeds (because flash drives aren't meant to be used as SSDs), renting PC time to CHEAT at games, & complain about literally EVERYTHING online because they hate their' cruddy lives! They like to make Youtube videos of them carving tiny houses, & pools in the jungle THEN spray painting them (I'm sure THAT'S good for the ecosystem) literally playing sandbox big boy pants version, & PAYING for Youtube like bots, because it makes them feel "SPECIAL"! Personally I pity these toxic kids, block them, & get on with My life, they don't matter, & never will.
Indigo Jinx 6 May, 2022 @ 8:25am 
I'd ONLY posted it after He reported Me to Steam, even though Our' beef WAS on Origin, & some jerky Steam moderator banslapped Me for 12 hours for the posts below, neither marking, nor removing the posts... I reposted His' name, because He's been harassing/stalking Me all over the internet, AFTER avidly claiming to be an adult, that He does NOT use hacks, AND that He couldn't care less about Me, etc. :nfsskull:
Indigo Jinx 5 May, 2022 @ 5:38am 
:happybs: Soooooooo... I posted the guys Origin name, & some jerk removed My post?!? His' hack using, loser cheater, malicious scriptmod infused gallery sharing name is TMone54, He also stalks people online on other game platforms, social media, & anywhere else, because He's a complete winner, with a VERY full life offline, TONS of friends, AND a great relationship with ALL of His' family members too! :pandashocked:
Indigo Jinx 17 Apr, 2022 @ 8:11pm 
People're asing for the guy's Origin name... I'm not posting it here for two reasons: #1 that'd be harassment, & #2 the SIMs-4 gallery is FULL of hack users because Maxis was stupid enough to support mods (hacks), NO game developer should EVER support mods if They're to lazy, or cheap to have somebody go through the scripts in every mod before allowing it to post to Their' servers (like GOOD games do: Skyrim, Fallout-4, etc.) Just be aware that You should NEVER check the "allow script mods" box in the SIMs-4 options, custom content is okay, & about as safe as anything else online though. :tigerinablanket:
Indigo Jinx 16 Apr, 2022 @ 5:02pm 
By the way, I reposted the guys content on the SIMs-4, & without showcasing it, in five minutes flat it had FIFTY downloads, & I only have like 20 friends following Me on Origin, so there's a script in Their' content to hex the download # right in the gallery... no wonder they keep saying "do NOT reupload" on all of Their' hacked up stuff LMGDAO how pathetic. Typical 3rd world, cyber cafe PC renting, have Their' games/hacks on'a flashdrive, rode Their' bicycle, or father's tiny motor scooter there, live in'a jungle hut with no internet, nor running water, outhouse using, losers! :pandashocked:
Indigo Jinx 13 Apr, 2022 @ 4:31pm 
By the way... shmoozing, having an account on EVERY social media platform, joining every game related group, "networking", etc., then asking (BEGGING) everyone to go follow Your' SIMs-4 gallery, ANNND download Your' hacked up, custom content filled, script modded, malicious scripts, ammature content, even if it ends up with 1/4 million downloads over a few years (like You didn't hack THAT # too LMAO), in no way, shape, or form makes You a professional gamer, nor SIMs player... it makes You an A-typical, co-dependent, LOSER whose offline life is SO PATHETIC that You have to live by proxy through the bigshot persona You PRETEND to be on the internet! :revive: