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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 109.1 hrs on record (78.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Nov, 2016 @ 1:20pm
Updated: 23 Nov, 2016 @ 1:21pm

KSP, or How do i get that green little thing out of atmosphere (Whait what?)....

Oh I didn't even notice you were here. Well, now that you are, I might as well tell you more about that exciting, crazy thing of a simulation. To be honest, I'm not sure if you would call it a simulation in a normal way. To be able to tell you all about it, I should make you familiar with rocket science.

YES, you read that right.
ROCKET SCIENCE. And I don't mean something like 2+2=4 (Genius!) but something like:

Delta(v)t = DeltaVatm - DeltaVout /DeltaVatm * DeltaVvac + DeltaVout.

Don't worry though. I didn't understand it either, but the GREAT wiki helps you through all problematic situations. Otherwise there's an awesome community including Crazy Scientists playing KSP (Just google Scott Manley)

But back to the topic:
Once you get started with your few first pseudo rockets, you'll start to want more. Because you know, you're gonna be as greedy and addicted to designing weird Rockets with our Mr. Greendude that only differentiates from the others by a white scientist cloth set. Tbh, you do the most stuff, the Tutorial is kept short and you quickly get control over every element.
Well, when I first played it, there was only the Sandbox mode and there was everything available from the start (Yeah, I'm quite an oldie if you take a look at how long I already own this game). THAT WAS THE BLAST ALREADY.

But wait. There's more!
A Science Mode, where you slowly get Science points from conducting research from all the different planets... And trust me if you get to all of them you're gonna spend a TON of hours on this game to achieve that goal. And all that gets even crazier if you have to take care of all your green little investors in career mode.

Last but not least, not only the awesome modding community and the CRAZY ammount of fun you can get by getting out of an orbit of a planet called Kerbin (well the game has to have some weaknesses, like names....) It's gonna be an awesome game to pick if you search for fun, mind blowing physics *cough*it can get weird sometimes*cough*, a bit of a challenge .... aaaaand the opportunity to fall in love with Jeb. But in the end, what Jeb really means will only reveal once you play it.

PS.: If stuff gets too hard for you, there are tons of mods especially designed to help you design, control and even steer your rocket like an autonomic thing if you feel like watching your creations while relaxing in your chair.

All in all.: Jeb/10
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