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Według 24 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
16.8 godz. łącznie (13.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I mean, honestly speaking, if you've never played the original Half-Life, what the heck are you doing?

Edit (Oct 10, 2020):
Gonna write a more detailed review as I'm not satisfied with this hastily slapped together "thing".

Half-Life is called one of the most revolutionary games of all-time. And for the time - it really was. It's honestly one of those games where I can't really say anything new about it that hasn't been said about it by so many people over the last 22 years of its existence.

But even if this game is older than me by a year, it's still something I have so many fond memories of just playing, hearing various rumors about and always experimenting with it. I remember back in 2009 I spent days messing about with console commands and pasting Half-Life maps into Counter-Strike and such, just to see what works and what doesn't.

All these years later, I also love to just occasionally revisit the game. Certain bits of the game aren't that fun I'll admit - Forget About Freeman & Xen are honestly boring, and in Xen's case - downright confusing, but a solid 7/8 of the entire game is fun to just breeze and play through.

Half-Life is a special game. A game that I doubt many people haven't experienced yet at this point. But if you haven't - behind the outdated GoldSrc graphics is a game filled with wondrous secrets and tons of replayability to keep making you want to come back.
Opublikowana: 16 sierpnia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 marca 2021.
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Według 27 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.7 godz. łącznie
When I first played this game back in 2014 - I was harsh on it. I thought the game controlled poorly, the story was non-sensical and the graphics were very plain and very bad. However, that was well over 5 years ago when I first experienced this game.

In 2020, my opinion on the game has changed after I got a perspective on how...truly difficult video game development is. And how truly heartbreaking it is to have a game be bashed & hated on by everyone when all you have is a cute idea you're passionate about and you put in the time & effort to realize it with a full game. That's Woodle Tree Adventures. It is the idea of a guy for a very relaxed, chilled out platformer with simple objectives and controls. While the controls of the game are admittedly very floaty and uncomfortable, the game is designed around the floaty control scheme in mind. The graphics of the game, which I heavily criticized in 2014 when I first played it, are stylized in this very childlike wonder fashion which has held up surprisingly well over the years.

The game often goes on sale for pennies basically, and do I recommend you give the game a shot next time it's on sale? Sure! At worst - you can always refund and get your 1 euro or so back.
Opublikowana: 10 lipca 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 stycznia 2020.
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Według 20 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
396.4 godz. łącznie (300.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Terraria has been the kind of game I pick up, I play and obsess over it for a month or two, then put it down for a few years. It's always been that way, dating all the way back to 2013. In all fairness - I genuinely love this game and it definitely is one of those games I can confidently recommend to everyone due to its open-ended nature.

With the game's major content updates coming to a wrap in the Journey's End update released earlier this year - Terraria has definitely cemented itself as one of my favorite games to play on Steam. Even without delving into mods - there's enough content here to keep you entertained for easily hundreds of hours. I have 300 hours on the game and I've not yet once tried a single mod for the game.

Although admittedly - the game can get a bit mindless and boring until you get into the post-post game. Sometimes you just need to be in the "mood" to play it. Point is - do you want a game you can easily enjoy by yourself but also bring along some friends for a great co-op experience? Terraria is the right game for you. Are you interested in making entire characters revolved around specific types of "builds" (gunner, melee user, summoner, magic user, etc.)? Terraria has got you covered. Do you want to explore a vast and interesting world, filled with many many unique trinkets for you to find? You guessed it - Terraria has that for you to look forward to.

It really is a must-have in my opinion.
Opublikowana: 11 marca 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 10 października 2020.
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Według 40 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
22.6 godz. łącznie (22.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
+Easy to learn, hard to master gameplay
+Furiously addictive
+Incredible soundtrack
+Super appealing visuals
+Cheap price

-Lack of workshop support

Super Hexagon is one of my favorite Steam games thus far, with addictive, easy to learn, hard to master gameplay, appealing visuals and an all-around phenomenal soundtrack, the only thing that could make this game better would be Workshop support, though I guess we have Open Hexagon for that.
Opublikowana: 21 stycznia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 lipca 2018.
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