Immanuel   Texas, United States
Playstation Network - HomesickChimp
XBox Live - Homesickchimp
Twitch - aluminiumminesweeper84
Youtube - Sgt F.T.O.
Snapchat - daxus02
Instagram - ? I'm not going to Rush It, but ask...maybe
I haven an Origin Account, but I'll need to locate Screen Name

I enjoy playing Laptop Games when I can : Recent - Final Fantasy XIV

I've been playing games since I was about 5. Started with the Nintendo (NES) and move to the TurboGraphix16, from there the SNES (Super Nintend). Have had 13 - YES THIRTEEN - XBox360s - I would quit or get tired of playing - I blame bad online experiences.
I'm more of a semi-retired pro, I only play to relax now, instead of playing for 12-16 hours straight, at least 60 hours per week, and still play seriously.
I'm a HUGE Final Fantasy XIII fan, LOVED Resident Evil 4 and also play Dragonball Z - I enjoyed the 'original' Dragonball, not a fan of GT - Trunks is a cheater!!
I've given my XBox Live & Playstaion Network account user_name's in hopes you're online, other systems, as well - because no many STEAM or PC games allow online chat, minus Skype, unless you're playing some First Person Shooter; but I'm not too big into those much more.
I have played a fair share of Battlefield 3 & Battlefield 4; but I was more of a Modern Warfare (1,2,3) fan. Started with Battlefield Combat Evolved, and the PC version back in 2005-06.

May 24th 2020 - Dealing with CoViD-19, life is painful...doesn't it mean you're lost in the wallowing tread of another's misery (Rhetorical) ?? Oh Well. Been on MIA List. Need that Workstation !!!!

Aug 29th 2023 - Still here....just older. lmfao:Miller:
Nov 17th 2024 - Wow...been some time; just looking for a better/newer Gaming PC - updates coming (!!)
Currently Online
ThunderSledge 25 Oct, 2019 @ 7:16pm 
HomesickChimp 14 Sep, 2016 @ 3:23pm 
??? 14 Sep, 2016 @ 8:23am 
You crazy bastard