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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,420.2 hrs on record (1,073.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 10 Jun, 2019 @ 12:53pm

At first the game can be difficult to play and you will struggle, but longer you play, spend hours and hours into improving yourself and honing your skills until you finally reach the greatness and can be considered good at this game....you'll finally realize that this game is actually retarded, hit boxes are the size of a fat lady with a mole under her nose who works at your school cafeteria, lag is so hard that you get hit by a killer from a different match, the meta has been pretty much the same for literally the whole existence of the game and teammates have motor skills of Stephen Hawking and brain of that retarded kid who wears helmet to school even though you've never seen him riding a bike. Enjoy hours of staring at a campfire just to get to a lobby with 500 ping from a tiny village in China where a 13 year old boy tries playing with a connection that his father works for 100 hours a week. Enjoy teammates wasting pallets so you can get downed in a second and not do gens at all when you finally get to get chased and loop a killer for 30 minutes. Enjoy developers taking 2 years to buff a killer just for him to be mediocre at best after the buff.

TL;DR Game is great, totally worth getting it especially with friends
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FM乡 29 Jun, 2022 @ 9:35am 
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