90's orgy boy
once upon a time
not so long ago
tommy used to work on the docks
unions been on strike
hes down on his luck its tough so tough

gina works the diner all day
working for her man she brings home her pay
for love for love

she says weve got to hold on to what weve got
cause it doesnt make a difference
if we make it or not
weve got each other and thats a lot
for love well give it a shot

were half way there
livin on a prayer
take my hand and well make it i swear
livin on a prayer

tommy got his six string in hock
now hes holding in what he used
to make it talk so tough its tough

gina dreams of running away
when she cries in the night
tommy whispers baby its okay someday
weve got to hold on to what weve got
cause it doesnt make a difference
if we make it or not
weve got each other and thats a lot
for love well give it a shot

were half way there
livin on a prayer
take my hand and well make it i swear
livin on a prayer
weve got to hold on ready or not
you live for the fight when its all that youve got
were half way there
livin on a prayer
take my hand and well make it i swear
livin on a prayer
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RisqueGoomer 16 Apr, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
👮🏽🚨🚔 PULLOVER 👮🏽🚨🚔

😤Put your hands behind your back😤

🗣I'm taking you into custody🗣

📝And registering you as a📝

RisqueGoomer 8 Feb, 2021 @ 10:09am 
Luffles 4 May, 2018 @ 9:24am 
Not so fast Morty 🏃🏻 you heard your mom 🙎🏼 we've got adventures 🔥 to go on Morty 😱😩👌 Just you 🤦🏻‍♂️🔫 and me 👨‍🔬🔫 and sometimes your sister 💁📱 and sometimes your mom 👩🏼‍⚕️🐎 but ‼️ NEVER ✋ your 😤 dad! 🤷🏻‍♂️❌😷 You wanna 🙈 know why Morty? 🙊💯 Because he CROSSED me 😡🙅‍♂️ Oh 😵 it gets darker Morty 😎🌚 Welcome 👽 to the 😭 darkest 😈 year of our 👨‍👦adventures 🙏😫 First 1️⃣ thing that’s 👩‍🎤 different ⁉️ No more dad Morty 🆒 He threatened 👀👎 to turn me in 🙋‍♂️👮 to the government 😓🙄 so I made him 🤤🐀 and the government 💩 go away 🖕 I repla😖ced them both 🌜🌛as the 😈 defacto 🤡 patriarch 👴🏻 of your family 👨‍👧‍👦and 😲 your universe 😱🌌
90's orgy boy 7 Aug, 2017 @ 1:29am 
90's orgy boy 23 Sep, 2016 @ 3:42pm 
Luffles 23 Sep, 2016 @ 2:59pm 