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21.4 timer totalt
Wish valve still made games, alyx don't count.
Publisert 20. januar 2023.
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13.0 timer totalt
They even gave the mp5 for free.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the dev is based.
Publisert 20. januar 2023.
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74.5 timer totalt
Requires bloatware to run
Also requires a ps3 to play the sequel (no longer the case)
Still, requires bloatware to run, matter of fact, it's the thing preventing it from being shared in steam family, online is dead btw, no dlc like undead nightmare.

Publisert 20. januar 2023. Sist endret 5. februar.
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56.9 timer totalt (52.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I would say I don't recommend you buy this game, if you could, but since this has been delisted, I gotta praise the actual game.

If you are playing it casually (game's broken in competitive), it's REALLY fun, especially since it detected my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fake chinese controller from the get go, everything but online works flawlessly, sadly you can't play this online anymore, or buy it for that matter, but even when you could, the netcode wasn't that good, but playing the various modes/challenges or playing it local, will give you many hours of play, the story is a soft reboot, but is actually pretty good, they did kung lao dirty (that's all I'll say) but otherwise the fights transition into one another pretty seamlessly, this is no mortal kombat armagedom in terms of content, however, compared to mk vs dc, this is a god sent.
The rooster also has all the usual suspects, just wish they made a cheat code or something so you can play with the bosses, you can mod them in, but that's very small.

If I went back to 2011, and the netcode back then was good, this would be a solid 9/10.
Every once in a while I install this baby in, get some people on the couch, serve them some chinese ps2 controllers knock offs and we have a blast.

Publisert 20. januar 2023.
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5.4 timer totalt (2.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I don't care about the rooster like everyone was crazy about on release, I care about the lack of features, the fact the game looks like absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Everything on maximum graphical settings) and every character looking playing the same, while for some reason they changed the inputs for every character so you gotta relearn.
And making the game ugly wasn't enough, so they pumped it full of "cameos" which is a death sentence in the long run since mk9 was pulled from steam because of a "cameo".
And I could forgive ALL of that, if it didn't have DLC ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, which isn't just cosmetics, basically since games are no longer released finished, this will be updated until the next one launches, so depending on the patch, you will not have access to high tier characters if you care about that or play at that level, unless of course, you pay the equivalent of a few better games for the characters.
Fighting games have been on life support, and this is a big reason why.
Publisert 19. januar 2023.
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32.9 timer totalt
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, now that I finally got the chance to play this, how can EVERYONE online say just wrong things about this game, literally every complaint and/or compliment regarding doom eternal is probably coming from someone who never played this game.
I should have just played the pirated version since bethesda in their immaculate programming prowess released the game with the crack in in it.

So firstly, two of my main gripes with 2016 and eternal is in regard to combat, not only is doom guy slow, the combat encounters suck, when you get in the flow, you're killing priority targets, keeping your ammo/health/armor in check and moving around the arena after memorizing the layout, the encounter's over, but you're still pumped, so you dash into the next, only to be met by a stupid platform section, the pacing is horrible, and it goes double for the DLCs, which btw just for having DLCs the game is already a nono for me just for this practice alone, let's not even get started on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ practices by the company like shafting mick gordon, which was the most vile disgusting thing I've seen so far, but let's keep it to the game.

Both 2016 and eternal is EASY, I've beaten both of them on the hardest skill (not ultra nightmare I am not stupid) and I have the reflexes of a sloth.
The game tricks you into thinking it's hard because it takes almost 5 hours to give you enough weapons to defend yourself with, so you're stuck plinking at demons with a bunch of pea shooters, 2016 got the weapons just right, all they had to do was copy everything and add the grappling hook.
Almost all of my deaths I can attribute to two things, getting stuck on abhorrent geometry collision/invisible walls, or the fodder enemies teleporting on my escape path practically telefraging me.
The biggest complaint I've heard since this game was released, was about the Marauder, which is how you can tell people never played the game, the enemy is LITERALLY color coded so even children can beat him, but if you suck this much, just toss granades and stick bombs at him, you can kill him without ever stunning him, even when they throw two of them at you at the end of the last DLC, all you have to do is use explosions, ofc you can beat him the conventional way too, but I was surprised that this supposed boogie man is ridiculously easy to beat.
Some enemies actually do ruin the pacing of the fights, like the blood maykr which btw, to everyone that ever will design games, invincible enemies is the worst gimmick in existence, punish me by making them take less damage, but don't make them invincible, I can forgive the pinky because they already made a surplus of flesh wall enemies, but they added like 3 invincible enemies with a stupid gimmick.
The worst offender is of course, the turret, it's extremely easy to kill with one canon/balista rotation, but when you're fighting a million rushing enemies, having one that hides like a coward SUCKS.
The weapons were bad, they were not horrible, but especially compared to 2016 they're just regular bad.
The nerf to the mini rockets was a travesty, especially the fact that, THE SELF PROPELLED BULLETS DISAPPEAR AFTER 5 FEET, why is their range so low, the rockets from the rocket launcher are so slow that I think you can fire a rocket, run to your enemy, blood punch him and come back, and the rocket wouldn't even have left the tube, the balista compared to the gauss canon makes me want to puke, imagine having to shoot more than once to kill a caco, what a joke, and neither of its mods are even remotely useful, I used the line thingy to cheese secret encounters but that's about it, why even add something that forces you to stand still, and why does the bfg seem to heal demons, and why can a fly get in the way of the bfg and tank it so no one else gets hurt, did the designers ever actually play doom? You shoot it, you kill demons, if one of them can do a "get down mr president" and save everyone, what's the point? The unmaykr I don't think I've ever used, because a big problem I have with this game is the ammo count, thank god they made your chainsaw recharge faster int he DLCs, but this mechanic suck, especially since they give you nothing of ammo, I maxed ammo first, and all I got is 13 rockets? Are you joking? A salvo is 3 rockets, you can do 4 salvos before having to chainsaw someone, on 2016 it was a cool way of downing bigger threats, now you are forced to waste it on fodder, which also sucks because they spawn forever, so you can't have a duel with the bigger monsters, you gotta hurt them a bit, deal with the fodder that instantly respawns on absolutely tiny arenas, then go back and hit the big guys one more time.
People complained about having too much ♥♥♥♥ to press, and I disagree, using the belch and bombs are pretty easy.
I have a lot more bad things to say about the gameplay, the horrible maps and story, but this is already too long, I just want to say one more thing and it's about the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ending *SPOILERS* you beat the literal satan, and what you get for your troubles? You get put in a box.
It didn't need to be my ideal ending, which would be just doom guy getting daisy back, but this is just pathetic.
Long story short, they don't deserve your money, I regret buying this game, and it easy, not hard, 3/10 at least it had a grappling hook.
Publisert 15. januar 2023.
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1.0 timer totalt
Publisert 28. desember 2022.
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17.2 timer totalt
Game's easy and short.
Through the whole game though, I felt like I rather be playing fire warrior instead.
You'll be fighting the same two enemies throughout the whole game, seeing a wonderful palette of two colors, dull orange and sometimes dull gray the whole game.
Seems like not even warhammer could escape the generic military shooter craze from the mid 2000's.
Even at a discount it's too expensive.
Publisert 28. desember 2022.
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649.0 timer totalt
Game was perfect before the meet your match update, after, it became unplayable.
I've heard they back pedaled a few changes, but not enough for me to hop back in, and neither should anyone.
Just play its copies or something, I think paladins is free, don't buy the copies though like overwatch.
PS: not dunking on the content they added, maps and such.
Publisert 28. desember 2022.
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0.8 timer totalt
It's a 30 min 'game' that has a simple message "suicide is bad mkay?".
Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone killing themselves, but these type of games used to be flash games a few years, this could very well just been a youtube video.
It's kinda weird tho, because the game aspect of this isn't a half bad idea, don't think I've see something quite like it, but it's secondary to the suicide bad message artsy thingy.
This isn't the kind of thing on steam you shouldn't put money into.
Publisert 28. desember 2022.
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