Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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13 van de 50 (26%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Time to Hit the Arcades

Finished [Arcade] mode.
Ontgrendeld op 9 aug 2015 om 1:47

Mars Needs Winnin'

Attempted [Unlimited Mars] mode over 10 times.
Ontgrendeld op 11 aug 2015 om 3:38


Have been blown up by the chibi-kakas in [Unlimited Mars] mode.
Ontgrendeld op 27 jul 2015 om 0:37

Just the Beginning

Defeated the boss at level 100 of the [Abyss].
Ontgrendeld op 27 jul 2015 om 4:59

Mind on my Money

Accumulated over 100,000P$.
Ontgrendeld op 10 aug 2015 om 12:48

Finger on the Button

Defeated an opponent while using the Stylish Layout.
Ontgrendeld op 18 dec 2015 om 13:54

Better Safe Than Sorry

Dished out significantly more damage than the opponent's remaining HP.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jul 2015 om 11:43


Finished off an opponent with Noel's Nemesis Stabilizer.
Ontgrendeld op 30 jul 2015 om 8:39

Just How I...*wheeze*...Planned

Using Bang, had Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan activated for more than 30 seconds of the battle.
Ontgrendeld op 15 aug 2015 om 5:07

Threat Level...Escalated

During the course of one combo, placed all four of Mu's Stein's Gunners.
Ontgrendeld op 6 aug 2015 om 12:34


Equipped all of Luna's weapons during one round.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jul 2015 om 9:49

Domestic Battery

Using Relius, fight a battle without depleting the Ignus gauge.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jul 2015 om 13:07

Aaaaaand I'm Spent

Used up the Ignis gauge while fighting as Relius.
Ontgrendeld op 10 aug 2015 om 10:31

That Will Suffice

Finished the [Tutorial] mode.


Defeated the secret boss in [Arcade] mode.

The Beginning of the End

Finished [Score Attack] mode.

Eye of the Tiger

Trained for more than 30 minutes, non-stop.

Mastered the Basics

Cleared over 50 missions in [Challenge] mode.

Mastered the...Master?

Cleared over 100 missions in [Challenge] mode.

About Half Way

Defeated the boss at level 500 of the [Abyss].

Getting Down to Abyss-ness

Defeated the boss at level 999 of the [Abyss].

Abyssmal Shopaholic

Acquired all the items from the shop in [Abyss] mode.

*Wheeze*...Just Getting Started

Increased all character stats to 50 in [Abyss] mode.

Oh…NOW I Get It...!

Finished the Calamity Trigger scenario in [Story] mode.

Breaking in the New Guys

Finished Makoto's, Valkenhayn's, Platinum and Relius's scenarios in [Story] mode.

To Be Continued…!

Witnessed the true ending in [Story] mode.

Artwork?! Gimmie!

Unlocked 50% of the items in the [Gallery].

Gallery Guru

Unlocked everything there is to see in the [Gallery].

I See What You Did There

Played back replay data over 10 times in [Replay Theater].
0 / 10

There's No

Won a team elimination match without even fighting.

Just Getting Used to it

Raised any character's PSR to over 200 in a [Ranked Match]

Level 20

Reached level 20.

I can't Stop Winning

Won three [Ranked Matches].
0 / 3

Like a Boss

Fought 100 matches in [Ranked Match].
0 / 100

Plays Well With Others

Fought ten team [Player Matches].
0 / 10

Feels Like the First Time

Won your first team [Player Match].

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