STEAM_0:0:32135124 / [U:1:64270248]   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Former Heavy main and TF2 map maker, and owner of the now closed 'GmodTech'.
Formerly known as " [GmT] Werewolf [GB/UK] "

:steamthumbsup: Linktree of all links - https://linktr.ee/werewolf_uk
Expositor de Workshop
CURRENT VERSION - V13 GameBanana .com rating of 8.67 / 10.00!! About The Map This is a bank themed, TF2 Deathrun map where red team have to break in, steal the item deep in the inner vault and get back out alive. Blue team must use the traps defend the ban
219 valoraciones
Creado por - worMatty y Werewolf™
Extended Info
:corporate: I'm one of those weird people known as an introvert who actually keeps their friends lists for friends and people I want to keep in contact with, not every person on the internet. Invites from random people I don't know will be ignored.
:HeavyHammer: While I'll always welcome comments and feedback about my maps, I'd greatly prefer it that you post your feedback publicly on that maps specific Steam Workshop or GameBanana page. You don't need to add me directly to tell me.
:gold_coin: I am not a trader. Don't even offer me a trade. If I'm selling it, it's already on the Marketplace. If I want it, I'd have already brought it. All trade requests will be ignored.

:steamthumbsup: Linktree of all links - https://linktr.ee/werewolf_uk

My past mapping projects
:SuperHammer: DR_Bank - My claim to fame. If there is one map I'll be known for most, it's this. This was also my first publicly released map, so from the beginning I was keen to make sure this was balanced, fair, and polished. I've updated the map many times since release to keep it that way.
:SuperHammer: DR_Hourglass -This is actually my first Deathrun map! I was working on this when I had the idea for DR_Bank, which then ended up getting publicly released first. But I came back and finished it off. As the first map it has the weakest ideas and I learned a lot of things of what not to do, but it's still something I'm proud of.
:SuperHammer: DR_4halls - This map I inherited from Snaggle who created the original version of it. He gave me the job of turning his first deathrun map into something workable, which I believe I have now done.
:SuperHammer: KoTH_Working_Class - This is a joke / gimmick map. It was my entry to the TF2maps.net 2016 'April fools' contest, where the idea is to make a map that is silly or funny. This map failed on both counts. The gimmick for this map is that only one class can capture the point at a time, and every time it is capped another class is picked.
:SuperHammer: GmodTech_Hotel - This used to be a flagship map for my former server group, GmodTech. The map is a roleplay map set at a hotel in the Nevada desert, in Area 51 specifically. While originally designed to be solely used on the GmodTech servers, it was so popular that since the close of the group the map has now been made public.

I am not a mapping teacher / tutor!
Please do not ask me how to make maps or to help fix your map. There are hundreds of guides written by people way more experienced than me on a variety of subjects. I don't consider myself to be a "pro" mapper in anyway. I just know how to read guides, experiment and test. And that testing is done over and over again till you get it right.
Grupo favorito
Death Experiments - Grupo público
Run the Risks
En el chat
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Creado por - Werewolf™
16 valoraciones
Hammer was made way back in 1995 when we didn't have multicore processors, so by default it tries to use 100% of your CPU. This makes it look like your computer, or at least Hammer, has frozen. This guide aims to teach you have to fix this.
Snaggle 20 JUL 2021 a las 12:22 
Hey, been a while! Just a quick one to say hope you're doing well, look after yourself! :47_thumb_up:
Werewolf™ 27 FEB 2019 a las 16:38 
I have now dropped my old name of " [GmT] Werewolf [GB/UK] " and will now be known simply as " Werewolf™ ".
Werewolf™ 23 DIC 2018 a las 12:07 
The End of GmodTech - https://youtu.be/XiYBgCdb0mo
Werewolf™ 25 ENE 2018 a las 13:53 
My PC has died for the last time. Now even reinstalling Windows fixes this now - https://i.imgur.com/Qis1wIz.jpg

It is properly dead with a capital 'D'.

But I do have replacement parts on order (I will be recycling drives and GPU), so this is what my new build will be - https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/VqHq6X
Werewolf™ 16 OCT 2017 a las 17:46 
The TF2 Inferno update just had to drop the day after I re-installed my PC from scratch. Guess TF2 will be downloading overnight then
Werewolf™ 8 AGO 2017 a las 3:42 
I am officially abandoning a project I've tried to work on (off and on) for over 3 years now, that being DR_Islands.

I've had the general idea for the map since 2014, including themes, traps, and features. The one thing I've never had, is a layout plan. No plan for how players are going to get from 'A' to 'B', even though I had solid plans for 'A' and 'B' themselves

It's been on my "To-Do" list for so long, yet I've never had any luck designing a layout that works, or I've been doing other stuff.

Hence, I am not going to pretend I am working on this map any more, and admit I gave up on it a while ago.