ProRock SunBoy
When we get older we don’t change...we are just a remix of what we were

:sunboy: ОБМЕН | TRADE :sunboy:

In 1992, he gained notoriety with his bicycle trip to Prague, where he held meetings with famous musicians, including Karel Gott. At the end of the trip, Czech President Vaclav Havel presented the young singer with a Robur LO 3000 bus. Sanboy was also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a person who traveled 80 km on a bicycle without holding the steering wheel and playing the guitar. It is known that in the interval between all these activities, he managed to make a round-the-world trip (of course, on a bicycle) as part of a film group from Prague and the Czech-French Committee for the Study of Anomalies and UFOs.
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Sarn 21 Aug, 2024 @ 10:02am 
Let's go on a winning streak.
-Limbus 4 Apr, 2024 @ 11:55am 
+rep, давно общались, на позитиве человек, суету наводит)
DEADCTUNLER 💀 11 Mar, 2024 @ 2:44am 
Эй прив подари аркану на джагу. Спасибо
Helvet1ae 12 May, 2023 @ 10:24am 
+rep позитивный чувак
Daredevil 18 Apr, 2023 @ 10:29am 
-Rep Wall Hacker
Dorian 6 Apr, 2023 @ 9:49am 
wall hacker on dust 2 map...06.04.2023 at 17.40 U.K. time