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0.2 hrs last two weeks / 227.7 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jan, 2019 @ 4:55pm

It's a really good fast paced military hardcore FPS that is overall very well polished and has a good supportive developer team.
From the start when i found out about the wonderfull game insurgency (the game where it al started) i began to get in love with this genre of games but didn't want the 30 minute walk, 1 minute fight experience that other games like arma offered. This was and still is the perfect balance to me and the developers truely understand their community. The community itself is really small and i am very sad about that and hope that will change in the near future. The game also has a really happy and nice community.
At 30 dollars i think the game sits at a perfect price, the gameplay might be a bit linear but with some good friends or fun players (you find them all the time) this game is one you will be playing until the new one comes out.

This is a very strong recommendation for someone wanting to get into this genre.
Sorry for my English if it offends you, this is not my main language and be sure to perfect me if i typed anything in particular wrong.

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