G. Merasara   United States
No information given.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Sunflash 16 May, 2014 @ 7:47am 
Direct your Thunder in an upwards momentum, sir!
Clover Creepy Girl™ 2 Aug, 2012 @ 8:21am 
That has a suck
Gakumerasara 2 Aug, 2012 @ 2:58am 
Aside from the incredibly slow advancement, the brigand hideouts keep kicking my ass because the game spawns new enemies behind me in places that should be "clear", my party members get wiped, and then I get swarmed.
Clover Creepy Girl™ 1 Aug, 2012 @ 9:38pm 
Gakumerasara 1 Aug, 2012 @ 4:32pm 
Mount & Blade: Warband is pissing me off.
Clover Creepy Girl™ 10 Jul, 2012 @ 8:55am 
Sorta, every time I try it causes my game to crash, which is why I'm lookin' for someone else to assist.