Heretic the Schizophrenic
The Flame of Frenzy
"If thou hath searched for my profile in thine attempt to whinge and whine, there is naught but embarrassment here for thee - if thou salt rivals that of the oceans then go outside and stretch thy lungs full with fresh breeze. Otherwise, sing thy praises for your Lord of Chaos!"
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DLC cutscenes are always so peak
Heretic the Schizophrenic 21 Feb @ 12:52pm 
Chat, how do I tell him I'm white as ♥♥♥♥?
Synth (iwnl) 19 Feb @ 6:36pm 
monkey fr lmao
Heretic the Schizophrenic 19 Feb @ 5:49pm 
Pretty sure you should get your eyes checked, but whatever floats your boat bub.
Synth (iwnl) 19 Feb @ 4:27pm 
remember when you cried on my profile for not fighting you at 15% hp with no flasks left when you got into my world LOL good times
Mara Sov's Creamy Thigh's 15 Feb @ 8:55pm 
bros tweaking
Heretic the Schizophrenic 15 Feb @ 8:53pm 
oh, you sweet summer child, doth thou not realize hate comments are a souls player's greatest achievement?