Frasier   Georgia, United States
Mostly Nintendo Gamer with PC for a second device. I tend to play a little bit of everything, although the more content and depth to that content the more I'll generally like it.

Favorite Games Top 10(Console I owned it on)

1. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons(GBC)
2. Pokemon White 2(DS)
3. Monster Hunter Generations(3DS)
4. Dark Souls(PC)
5. Terraria(PC)

6. Super Mario Odyssey(Switch)
7. Kid Icarus Uprising(3DS)
8. The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past(GBA)
9. Minecraft(PC/Switch)
10. Animal Crossing New Leaf(3DS)

Runners Up Top 10

1. The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds(3DS)
2. Pikmin 2(GC)
3. Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga(GBA)
4. Kirby Super Star Ultra(DS)
5. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild(Switch)

6. Super Metroid(Wii Virtual Console)
7. Super Mario Galaxy 2(Wii)
8. Pokemon HeartGold(DS)
9. Rayman Legends(Wii U)
10. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze(Wii U)
Currently Offline
ForgetfulShrug 14 Oct, 2017 @ 10:50am 