1 person found this review helpful
0.3 hrs last two weeks / 2,046.4 hrs on record (408.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Nov, 2021 @ 5:54am

Holy sht this game is fun. During a clash, You breath, you lose. Each weapon and each hero have counters either trough positioning/witty timings/picking or utilizing other weapons.

Do not believe to what people say that X is broken/OP. Everything have a workaround specially if your'e skilled on wits and proper positioning. You panic, you lose. Do not panic. I cant count how many times i managed to turn the tables on a fight and it felt so satisfying.

1. Unlimited combo possibilities to the point you get your own combo personality
2. im using a GTX 1650 4GB and with Nvidia NIS i can get stable 90fps on an ultra-wide monitor scaled to 1707x720 resolution 50% sharpening with Nvidia NIS 90fps average lowest setting but 100 render scale in-game and Medium Shadow. and everything looks crisp. No game-play disadvantage.
on 2560x1080 resolution 100 render scale, lowest settings with medium shadow. i get 60~70fps average.
3. English voice is nice but i set mine to japanese and its perfect.
4. Each weapon is completely different. and no re-used move set etc.
5. Fun challenges.
6. Low floor with High ceiling trio matches.
7. High ceiling solo matches.
8. Lots of Parkour
9. Parkour is actually fun
10. Skins don't provide advantages. Actually most of the expensive ones are Pay to Lose because of their ambient animations if you want to play as sneak 100.
11. The game is open for COLLABORATIONS! Huge Plus for me i love collaborations.
12. Emojis are fun to use.

1. Server is not so good compared to valve dota 2/csgo. it says i have 35ms on the menu but in reality in-game its above 60ms ping.
2. Performance hick ups when an enemy entered your area of vision 1st time. It freezes for a second and then you'll see your ping go red 300ms+ for 2 secs. I have constant ping monitoring and my ISP never does these fluctuations. therefore its on the game side when the game lags. it might have something to do with the client itself. Yes i have the game on an SSD.
3. No enemy voice chat after the game starts.
4. Emotes are just pointless at this point. do not purchase them or spend money for the sake of them
5. No lobby area. A lobby where players can just voice chat and talk to each other using emojis and emotes wouldve been nice. Like VRchat.
6. Prematch talks voice chats are pointless as its hard to find whos talking.

Love the game. Its very hard during your first encounter/fight with a player but it just gets better as you develop your own combo.
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Developer response:
Naraka_UX  [developer] Posted: 29 Nov, 2021 @ 10:41pm
Hi FlyingButete!
Thanks a lot for your suggestion and we will talk to the development team soon. Thank you for choosing and supporting Naraka! Hope you enjoy the game!