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Pubblicazione: 30 mar 2020, ore 0:19
Aggiornata: 26 nov 2020, ore 4:14

EDIT: There is something to say about the game in a good way when the ONLY recent complain is Denuvo. In every other regard, guess the game is perfect!

EDIT 2: After around 90 hours now, and having beaten the base game and DLC on nightmare, all I can add is that the more you play, the better you get. This game is truly one that you can practice and become better at.

This game isnt perfect, and its not just a continuation of DOOM2016. Its... different, but I love it all the same. I say this coming from the perspective of someone that recently replayed the entirety of 2016 on Ultra-violence to 'practice' for Eternals release. I started into Eternal on Ultra-Violence difficulty as well.

Doom 2016 had you feeling like an unstoppable force of rage and violence, and thats great. You could take some hits, you could endure to explode your opponents with whatever guns you had at your disposal. You felt like a walking tank, dishing out pain and death at your own pace and pleasure.

Eternal has changed this. You feel like a force of rage and violence, but... not like a tank any more. You can barely take a hit any more, at least early on, and you WILL be getting hit. Demons tend to swarm you far more readily, and their aim is far better as well.
You also cant carry the zounds of ammo you once had, meaning you better learn to switch weapons or you'll be in trouble. Its a constant balance in fights, using your variety of guns to their fullest and switching between all of them.
The added mechanics both help, and compound the issue for the beginning of the game, and throughout. Basically, chainsaw an enemy to get ammo. Flame-belch enemies for them to drop armor. Glory kill for health. Freeze certain enemies to give yourself some reprieve from how fast or oppressive they are. Dash to get space and dodge damage.

Its far more frantic a combat style than in 2016. You feel... more acrobatic, and forced to dodge stuff far more. Youre constantly on the move, not just circle-strafing but dodging with dashes, sideways, backwards, forwards. Climbing the arenas ledges, seeking the pickups, while dishing out what damage you can whenever you can as you avoid the myriad of rockets, fireballs, lasers, etc etc everything else youre bombarded with.
Then, youre presented with a half dozen types of permanent power ups, from the weapon secondary fire abilities, to your suit upgrades, runes, etc. At first theres just so much to take in, and the learning curve is steep at the beginning of the game when you dont even have your full power yet!

The loot pickups are a rainbow of colours now as well, threw me off at first, looks so arcadey rather than the orange-amber colour of ALL pickups in 2016.

Overall though, Id certainly recommend if youre looking for a frantic, fast-paced shooter, based on the solo campaign. Its not the same as DOOM2016, though, and if thats what you were after then I expect youll be disappointed.
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