f.gallinsky   Reutlingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Creator of the upcoming Retro Shoot Em Up final m00n.

Final m00n is a horizontal bidirectional sidescroller with a unique game mechanics in which you do not have to simply defeat opponents!

You had to defending 3 cubes on every m00n.

You will have to make difficult decisions and react in split seconds, to ensure the success of your survival.
What opponents are nearby? What threats have the aliens sent?
Which cube will be attacked and how grave will the damage caused be?
Will the cubes defense mechanisms suffice, or will you have to sacrifice it for the greater good?
How long do you have, until the missle will reach cube alpha?
Will you be able to reach cube gamma and still be able to reach alpha before the impact?
Should you leave cube alpha unprotected for mere ten seconds or will that be enough to seal your fate?

fsky_pro 18 Jan, 2021 @ 12:01pm 
NeoRider7 17 Jan, 2021 @ 12:02pm 
Hi! I want to help spread the word about your game. What mail can I contact you for cooperation on your cool game? The game site final-m00n.com is down. Email specified in Steam also does not work.
( https://store.steampowered.com/eula/689020_eula_0 , support@final-m00n.com ).
Please tell me your email. I want to help spread the word about your game.
robertblane 30 Mar, 2019 @ 7:41pm 
Greetings Earhlings this is the Steam profile of the legendary Frank Gallinsky, the creator of final m00n - Defender of the Cubes, probably one of the best shoot 'em ups ever created for the Pc. Not only is the game worthy of your hard earned capital but it packs a mighty punch for being strategic; think, shoot and survive. Can you make it to the final m00n? If you want a challenge, you have found it right here with final m00n - Defender of the Cubes.
robertblane 1 Feb, 2019 @ 7:05pm 
Now that this title has been released, it is truly the pinnacle of digital entertainment on any system of this modern era and testament to the fact that originality and innovation are crafts that have very carefully adhered to in the creation thereof.
robertblane 30 Jan, 2019 @ 3:05pm 
0ne m0re day to g0 bef0re y0ur game is 0ut hence l00king f0rward!
robertblane 5 Jan, 2019 @ 2:00am 
Frank, do you think you can create a games group dedicated to Final m00n?