5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 34.9 hrs on record (19.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Jun, 2019 @ 6:57am

Finally the Igarashivania we all wanted.

If you like me, love and want a spiritual successor of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, then look no further and just get this game already, through the first playthrough on it, I felt like I was 10 and playing a game like this for the first time again in my life. Thank you Igarashi for listening to your fans and working a lot on this game, the work has paid off, it jumped right into one of my favorite games in the genre and one that will etch on the memory for many years to come.

Graphics are one of the first things your eyes will feast upon, if you are a fan of this genre and this particular niche in Igarashivania games, you'll feel right at home and at the same time appreciate just how well put this game is.
Combat is smooth, there's a few hiccups sometimes but nothing too noticeable when you're entering/exiting certain areas in the game, smooth framerate overall.
I dunno who was complaining with sound design in this game, but I actually enjoyed it, the soundtrack has a few memorable tracks that had me humming along and the FX's for the characters/enemies are on point.
As for replayability in this game, if you're a completionist/curious in this kind of game, then like me you'll be returning to it a couple of times and see every secret room/boss in it.
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