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The game is great, absolutely.
But I saw it is in the PS Plus Extra game list, and to PC platform, it doesn't support to Ultrawide screen, has dynamic resolution which used on PS5, bad game porting like other Japanese studios.
So I'd like to play it on PS5 rather than PC. And maybe after I finished, I will be back when I want to play with Mods.
Postat 1 mai 2023.
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1. 在无任何已知信息的情况下结束一周目之后,我难以想象这是两个人做出来的游戏。
2. 游戏发售三天内的版本便已经拥有着与定价完全不相符的质量。对于经历太吾绘卷正式版痛苦的我来说只有热泪盈眶。
3. 低了,定价低了。同为养成类游戏的《中国式家长》(避免歧义:游玩方式类似)在经过三、四年的更新之后仍然卖二三十块钱,《火山的女儿》合理定价应该在五六十左右。
4. 在不涉及剧透的前提下,游戏的剧情实际上不易于评价。只不过就现在的版本来说称不上优秀。我对未来的发展持极乐观态度,先不谈其他的某些国产游戏,《中国式家长》更新了三年才有半完整的故事线(主线剧情),《火山的女儿》在正式版发售初期便拥有这样高的剧情完成度(指结局分支),应该是每一个国产游戏玩家乐于看到的、玩到的。希望未来能够对游戏前中期的剧情进行更多的添加与补充,虽然分支非常多,但是各分支的质量就我个人而言算不上高,中后期除特殊事件外其实非常容易乏味,剧情原因可能将成为操作逻辑优化之后阻碍玩家多周目的最大原因。
5. 对于声豚来说,中原麻衣的配音值得游戏一半的售价。相比之下,仅从代入感来讲,国配确实要逊色太多了。无贬低义,配音不是这款游戏的中心,只是锦上添花的点睛之笔,好的配音一定能增强游戏的整体代入感,所以配音方面仅提一嘴。如果再加上一点个人的小小请求的话,其实没必要每句对话都配个语气词……啊嗯唉哈呀嘿来回重复,听久了并不是很舒服。
6. 游戏发售初期存在的最大的问题,是操作逻辑的问题。简单来说,游戏的操作非常差,这里列举一些问题:
7. 对美术风格的评价因人而异。我个人非常喜欢这种美术风格,大加分项。

0. 游戏非常出色,让我找回了在电脑前玩一天中国式家长的感觉。所谓的养成类游戏的最大评判点就在于,你是否能够代入到养成当中去。很明显,《火山的女儿》在这一点上是成功的。不过抛去新鲜感之后,实际上游戏的剧情是存在缺漏的。中后期父亲的角色很明显在被游戏本身所疏远,游戏制作者有意地在文本中多次强调父亲这个角色的作用,但是从游戏性角度上是并不成功的。中后期的父亲对于女儿来说渐渐变成了一个“吉祥物”,角色视角完全代入到女儿身上,使得父亲这一角色转变为实际上的可有可无,这是我个人认为比较遗憾的地方。父亲这一角色完全建立在女儿的存在之上,除了抚养女儿、看女儿长大,角色本身不具备任何个体特征,到游戏后期沦为完完全全的工具。在成年前的生活便已经完全交给女儿自己的实际情况下,父亲仍然能在结局做出决定女儿后半生的选择,我个人认为这是非常破坏游戏代入感和整体完成度的,也是我认为游戏的剧情存在问题的最主要原因。除此之外还有各条感情线,主线剧情中的明线等。只不过要完全做到这些要求,对于两个人的制作组来说是不切实际的,也不可能因为没有做到这些就认为《火山的女儿》是失败的。只是作为剧情引导的养成游戏来讲,这部分确实是《火山的女儿》做的不好的地方。总而言之,部分剧情的不自洽影响不了我对这款游戏抱有的极高评价,毕竟这种高质量且价格亲民的AVG养成类游戏还是太少了。
Postat 23 aprilie 2023. Editat ultima dată 23 aprilie 2023.
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Postat 27 februarie 2023.
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4.1 ore înregistrate (4.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Geometry, High-Dimension projected into Three-Dimension, Infinite Transformation of Geometric Objects.
I can't think this game is a normal puzzle game, it really gives me an abstract even fantastic experience that words can't reach.
Puzzles aren't difficult. Just take some time, each level will always be finished by your several attempts.
But understand the meaning and comprehend the objects it gave are very difficult to a three-dimension creature like me.
When I look back over the Mathematical History, I always wondering why to some or many Mathematicians, the end of Mathematics is Divinity or Theology.
I didn't mean that this game gives me the answer, but it actually gives me a lot of thoughts.
How do human being reach the dimension that neither Contemporary Physics nor Mathematics seems impossible?
How could I imagine the Four-Dimension World only through some projections by Three-Dimension people?
What the REAL High-Dimension World looks like? How do we describe the scenes we see that day?
Words will fail by any means, like the projection will always be the projection, not the primordial itself.
If we can't touch or feel there no matter how, will the imagination be the end of our journey of dimensions?
I can't answer. Maybe when I'm gone, I would be able to.

The end of Philosophy will always with Unknown. Like the Mathematician goes to Theologian, Unknown will become mystery.
When I was young, I was fascinated in Mathematics. Thanks to this game, gives me a beautiful Garden of High-Dimension in the Euclidean Space.
Postat 1 octombrie 2022. Editat ultima dată 1 octombrie 2022.
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Better with friends ;)
Postat 24 noiembrie 2021.
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3 oameni au considerat această recenzie amuzantă
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Postat 18 noiembrie 2021. Editat ultima dată 18 noiembrie 2021.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Postat 28 noiembrie 2020.
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Postat 16 aprilie 2020.
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Postat 6 aprilie 2020.
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Postat 20 martie 2020. Editat ultima dată 20 martie 2020.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
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