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42.7 uur in totaal (14.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
No I dont think I will link my PSN account to play this when there is no reason to do so. I was unaware that I was going to be forced to get a PSN account in order to play, had I known that, I would have not purchased this game. Until this is changed, I will tell others to stay clear of this on PC.
Geplaatst 4 mei 2024.
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18.0 uur in totaal
Its the Ratchet and Clank game I have come to expect, run and gun, kill and get bolts to get more guns to get more bolts to collect guns and the cycle continues BUT with a severe problem. That problem is length, I 100% this game without much help from a guide in about 15ish hours, thats pretty sad and for the price point, its certainly not worth the full 60 dollar price tag, wait for a sale, id say this game is solid for 20 bucks.
Geplaatst 2 december 2023.
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19.0 uur in totaal
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A game lives or dies by multiple things; decent feeling game play, music and if it is a multiplayer game, the servers will dictate how long it sticks around. Playing this game a bit just screams its already at the end of its life cycle. Horrible servers that just straight up lie, saying I have 60 ping but its more close to 160, it is very frustrating to dump a round of precious ammo into an enemy only for the bullets to not register because a team mate already killed the enemy or the servers just straight up reject the user input.

As for game play, oof. This has more blocky movement than minecraft. There is this terrible auto run mechanic that can not be turned off that is very annoying to deal with as when running, you sprint like a double sprint in cod where you thrust your gun into the air like an idiot that gets in the way when you try and fire. (There is no way to turn that feature off)

The PvE is the only real reason to play and even then there is severe problems that hold the game back, the worst offender is the unforgiving RNG. You start the match with nothing but a pistol and I mean nothing but a pistol, no abilities so if you are playing as the medic, well congratulations, you serve no purpose until you can get to a resupply box and maybe you can be of some use if the RNG gods are kind. Ammo resupply is a problem unless if RNG gave you the chance to pick up a scavenger perk, it is very easy to run out of ammo in this game.

Setting the glaring server problems aside, this has a classic case of "please give us more money" syndrome with another game in early access and has a paid battlepass. Come on now, stop this.

I might stick around for the PvE but the PvP is unplayable, dont bother.
Geplaatst 27 november 2023.
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22.4 uur in totaal
Absolutely fantastic, if you enjoyed the first Dead Space back in 2008, you'll love the updated remake. Better visuals, better lighting and the cancerous chapter 4 was redone completely.
Geplaatst 24 november 2023.
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3.7 uur in totaal
I love Gundam but this is ungodly bad.

This "game" has been specifically made to be terrible. Lets go through the trash shall we?

In order to capture a point on the map, you have to get out of the suit, fly down to the ground and wait for the point to be captured, within that time period you are locked out of your suit for a good amount of time for no real reason. There is a cool down to getting back into the suit, why? An enemy rush you while you were capturing a point? Guess you'll just die for daring to play the objective.

Melee combat that is so bad I am baffled, there is no combos, you swing once and because there is a cool down to literally everything you do, you stand there staring at the enemy.

Speaking of cooldowns, there is a cool down system for any weapon that isnt an automatic. Thats right, fire a rocket when you still have 8 more rounds in your magazine? Too damn bad, wait 2 to 3 seconds before firing another shot.

Movement feels like a PS1 game, you can jump, but not really far and to go anywhere vertical, you need to hold the jump key (default shift for some reason) for you to get on top of a building, problem is when you are jumping, you can not control things very well so its a guess to how much you need to really charge your jump.

Im not really a stickler for graphics but holy tits this is SUPER dated, this garbage looks like a PS3 game in the year of 2023.

There is no support for the mouse in the menus, everything is done by keyboard, why?

Getting into a game is a game in on itself a game of chance. Do the gods of connection favor you? OF COURSE NOT. Multiple times I have been kicked out of a lobby for matchmaking errors.

Super cringey gatcha, I die on the inside whenever i hear "what time is it? Supply time!" Jesus christ just give me the over monetized garbage without that please.

I have never seen a game more confusing for the mechanics and so poorly explained in my life. My favorite suit is the Zaku II, So i go into the in game shop and buy it with in game currency, very simple things and since its an old suit it is very cheap. I get some upgraded weapons, some armor and weapon bonuses and make my merry way to the quick play counter to which I find that I can not use it in the sortie because it does of the cost. Huh? What cost? I went back to the shop and bought every Zaku II that I could and can not use them because of this mythical "cost". I have 5 of the same mech that I cant use for some reason. Right out of the gate, this is not looking good. I get into a lobby and select a suit I DONT want to play as and begin the game very salty. I notice there is a delay to literally everything you do, select a different weapon? 1 to 2 second delay before you can actually use it, you have it in your hands, I guess your pilot has to think about what to do next.

Damage is a joke. You can damage only 2 parts of an enemy suit and thats the legs and head. Thats it. How is it that Gundam Crossfire, a game on the PS3 from 2006 not only had an individual limb and armor damage system but also had whatever damage you have taken be shown on the armor like taking a bazooka shot in the shoulder armor would show you exactly where it was shot and yet in this day in age we get this lame garbage?

Aiming and moving feels like im playing Mech Warrior where you can aim will be dependent on the turn speed, that I am not against but it doesnt meld well with Gundam.

This plays and feels like a PlayStation 1 game and that is not a good thing. Its an insult.
Geplaatst 4 juli 2023.
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1.0 uur in totaal
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A game no one asked for, yet here we are.

The main game mode is a search and destroy variant as a strange amalgamation of a team based in game economy of Counter Strike, the aiming system of PUBG, armor/knockdown system and closing player "ring" of the usual battle royals with hero shooter elements. Its in a way alot like Rouge Company with some more BR game play systems tacked on.

If that sounds good to you, this game MIGHT be for you, but there are glaring problems and those problems lie with the servers and the matchmaking. This is not a populated game so be prepared to wait up to and over 5 minutes just for a casual game, you can alleviate that by extending the skill brackets but if you do, be prepared to get absolutely slapped by much higher tiered players. Additionally the servers, I have had some strange matchmaking that gets me into games with 39 to 150 ping. I am assuming the higher ping I have is when im shoved into an EU server, not a deal breaker but I would like to stay in US servers for the better ping.

In my small play time, I did not really like the whole right click to ADS and hold right click for a third person zoomed in over the shoulder perspective that PUBG has. That may be a small annoyance for some, but is a big turn off for me as it makes gun play super clunky and feels unnecessary.

The in game economy is strange, not good, not bad, just different. Actions as doing damage to enemies, planting and disarming the bomb, reviving team mates, you know the usual gamer stuff will net you some in game currency called coins. You can use those coins for buying guns, armor, grenades but the higher tiered equipment is locked behind a team upgrade system where everyone pools their coins together to unlock tiers of 3 trees. There's 'Armory' which affects attachments on the guns you buy, 'Equipment' which allows the tiers of weapons to be purchased along with equipment such as grenades, armor under the tactical items tap. 'Tactics' affects your characters with abilities such as being able to see enemy HP, damage numbers, reload weapons faster and increasing how many grenades and armor plates you can carry. Its an interesting system that incentives using as much currency as possible for advantages rather than just horde money in Counter Strike.

Is it a bad game? Eh its not terrible, but I think the game suffers in existing in an age of free-to-play burn out, its a game that might have been successful if it was released like... maybe 5-7 years ago as a brand new, never before seen game genre. Its just not that interesting to keep my attention. It is free to play so you all know the the super predatory micro transactions is going to pan out, but free to try out none the less, if you wish to try, go ahead, there is nothing to lose other than your time and 17 gigs of space on your PC. I can at least recommend other people try it out if they liked playing Rouge Company.
Geplaatst 8 juni 2023.
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Een ontwikkelaar heeft op 8 jun 2023 om 21:44 gereageerd (reactie weergeven)
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6.8 uur in totaal
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A very solid start to what could be a fantastic game.

The only complaint I have is performance. This isnt a game that looks super drop dead gorgeous realistic, but there is ALOT of bugs on the map especially during extraction, running around the map looking for ore or gas veins to mine the game runs just fine, but when things hit the fan 30 FPS is what is to be expected.

While there isnt much content here, what there is, is great. Art style, weapons, sounds, enemies and their density on the map all of this all feels like a Starship Troopers movie and that is what we have been looking for. Base building feels super rewarding and gets my neurons firing. If you decide to pick this up, play the base tutorial first before hopping into a public match. You'll thank me later. Killing bugs with explosives makes me much happier than a legally should...

The only good bug is a dead bug. I recommend this and i look forward to the future of this game.
Geplaatst 27 mei 2023.
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1.2 uur in totaal
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Oh no, OH NO.
Yeah this aint it my man, my broski, brohamed ali.

Everything that made the original HAWKEN game have its identity was stripped and was replaced with some skeleton of a soul-less mobile game. How is it that a 2023 build looks so much worse than when it was in 2013? I was so excited to hear HAWKEN come back and promptly disappointed to see this slide out of the abortion bucket to present itself on steam.

-The story is a joke, but I'm not laughing.
-Characters are so plastic-like that I feel that sea life needs to be paranoid when someone speaks.
-Mouse sensitivity can not be changed and it is cranked up for the peak schizo experience.
-There are 2 different types of enemies, enemy mechs which just kinda exist to walk around and shoot in your general direction and eat your bullets, the other is infantry that has the sole purpose to stand around and shoot at you to remind the player they they exist and the game demands they be shot.
-Any hull damage taken in missions can not be repaired unless you are in the main menu screen, the repair drone system that was in the original game does not exist for some reason.
-This game has only like 6 missions, very little content BUT THE CASH SHOP IS OPEN BABY, YOU KNOW IT which makes no sense seeing as it is only a single player game.

It pains me to say this but avoid this, this ain't HAWKEN, its a predatory mobile game for PC with no substance. Now with that being said, this is the early access version so things can change. The thing is that I am not going to hold my breath for the HAWKEN we all knew and loved to be updated in, I am the big sad :(
Geplaatst 23 mei 2023.
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1.9 uur in totaal
Its a terrible mobile game with super jank gameplay. Move to something else, this is just lazy asset flipping, they even stole the sound for when you get xp after games of CSGO lmao.
Geplaatst 27 april 2023.
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10.2 uur in totaal
Horrid and sloppy gunplay mixed with some of the worst movement mechanics I have ever seen in a video game, why is there momentum build up for something as simple as walking? Who thought that was a good idea? Spend your money elsewhere.
Geplaatst 26 maart 2023.
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