My account was hacked by Indonesian Monkey
Jan 22, 2019 @ 5:58pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
Jan 20, 2019 @ 4:21pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
Jan 17, 2019 @ 5:01pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
And all my high tier items (Blue five seven, blue ak and blue knifes was sold for 2 bananas. This monkey didn't even knows prices. So what can i say? Thanks you, steam. You destroyed my blue collection. Thanks, steam guard is best.


As for the trades, Steam Support does not move items between Steam accounts, nor do we create new ones in the case of theft. Please see our Steam Item Restoration Policy for more details.

I used steam for 15 YEARS. ♥♥♥♥ you with your security.
My account was hacked by Indonesian Monkey
Jan 22, 2019 @ 5:58pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
Jan 20, 2019 @ 4:21pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
Jan 17, 2019 @ 5:01pm PDT -1 ID Pekanbaru Riau
And all my high tier items (Blue five seven, blue ak and blue knifes was sold for 2 bananas. This monkey didn't even knows prices. So what can i say? Thanks you, steam. You destroyed my blue collection. Thanks, steam guard is best.


As for the trades, Steam Support does not move items between Steam accounts, nor do we create new ones in the case of theft. Please see our Steam Item Restoration Policy for more details.

I used steam for 15 YEARS. ♥♥♥♥ you with your security.
Item Showcase
ernesto 12 Mar, 2019 @ 1:04pm 
Nothing for trade bro. LOL N O T H I NG
s!rius 14 Jun, 2018 @ 10:06pm 
Add for trade
notactic 24 Mar, 2018 @ 6:02pm 
are your asiimov up for trade? Pls answer something :)*
¡VSN B/S>Skins +Trading 2 Mar, 2018 @ 8:34am 
how much 819 kara ? keys
Сhris 3 Feb, 2018 @ 10:21pm 
Hello, I wanted trade my ak redline for all your cases or graffities. So if u dont need them just send me offer. My ak and tradelink in my main - . Dont add me i got limit, just send offer. Thanks
YAS 6 Jan, 2018 @ 7:43pm 
Adding for awp blackiimov