
EndrionStarscreen 最近的評論

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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 69.6 小時 (評論時已進行 30.7 小時)
Roots of Pacha is a wonderfully robust farming sim that just seems to get what goes into a game like this. You know upfront what you're going to need for most things, and the trick is in getting what you need to make it happen. There are exceptions to this, of course, (And those are the annoying bits- A handful of "Ideas" can be awfully obscure to trigger.) but by and large, it knows what it wants, and it focuses on them. If you are a fan of farming sims, you should know what you are in for by now, and for better or for worse, Pacha is exactly that. When it came out, I played it more or less nonstop for about a week. I intend to come back as soon as I need another farming sim fix.
TLDR? Do you like farming sims? You'll probably dig it. Don't like the genre? Why are you considering it in the first place?
張貼於 2023 年 11 月 28 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 39.6 小時 (評論時已進行 14.8 小時)
I have, since purchase, sat down and put about a dozen hours into this game thus far, and not even scratched the surface, from what I can tell. In the style of a flowing chinese fantasy drama you slay demons, investigate mysteries, and try to save a city of fey, and perhaps the whole world, from strange goings-on, all presented in a format that, while not exactly unique, benefits fully from that story style. There is lots to do, from sidequests, a home base building system, and a simple card game.
In terms of drawbacks, the english translation is a tad odd at times, but entirely readable, making the odd times when the terminology selected seems extra at odds with how it's presented, and the gameplay is prone to long beats of throwing you from dungeon to dungeon without breaks. You NEED to keep searching for items to get anywhere.
Do I think that this game is for everyone? No. If you don't care for long fantasy epics, you'll bounce right off this, but would I unreservedly recommend this to anyone who likes a good action rpg? Yes. Yes I would.
張貼於 2020 年 2 月 10 日。
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總時數 0.9 小時
A strange mix of action horror game and office hell, What happens when you can't tell anyone your job, which is to kill something that may not exist, everything wants to kill you, and nobody knows what goes on? You get a pixel graphics horror extravaganza. By and large I'd reccommend it to people who like this sort of game, but be aware that it won't be for everyone.
張貼於 2019 年 11 月 30 日。
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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 2.7 小時 (評論時已進行 1.8 小時)
For a long time, I've always heard tales of this game. Not being into the scene at the time it came out I was neither able to import nor really experience it, only finding out about it through videos and stuff later on. When I saw that it was becoming remastered, I was hyped. Now that it's here, is it worth it? Short version: Yes. Long version: Yes, BUT....
Keep in mind, this is a remaster. The core game has not really been changed, just polished up and made to work on modern systems with a proper translation (Not that it was needed, all the VA was in english already). But this is for both good and bad. Metal Wolf Chaos wears its inspiration on its sleeve, and is not afraid to play its own tropes all the way. But these are design sensibilities from more than a decade ago. Somewhat clunky controls, very little tutorial, utterly bonkers story, the works. This is Jank, but it's FUN jank, and that's what matters in the end.
TLDR? If you can ignore the fact you're playing an old game with a fresh coat of paint, then turn off your seriousness and blow stuff up with a mech made of guns. It's that simple.
張貼於 2019 年 8 月 6 日。
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總時數 18.3 小時 (評論時已進行 15.0 小時)
Resident Evil was a game that helped to bring the Survival Horror genre to the west in a big way. Limited ammunition, zombies and mutants out for our blood, and janky, B-movie dialogue, but the good kind, with just the right amount of cheese. Then, over the years, a lot of sequels, and they began to drift from the formula, becoming a lot more action and less horror. Then came the Revelations series, which was a refreshing return to the standard of cramped spaces, flesh eating undead and ammo scarcity. Revelations 2 manages to take what 1 did, and then improve on it, albeit with some small hiccups.
Revelations 2 tells a story from two different timeframes and sets of characters, first visiting a region, then revisiting that same place much later on, with some of the things you do in the first part having repercussions on the second. The downside to this approach, however, is that you end up retreading a lot of ground, leading to severe cases of "Oh lord, not here again." Additionally, in each chapter you are given two characters to control, the teamwork between them being a key element. However, only one can fight, the other is relegated to support, finding hidden items or pointing out weakpoints. While you can take direct control of them, this smacks of escort quest at the worst of times, and can get grating.
Finally, we have Raid mode. I love Raid mode. In it, you take characters into very short, pregenerated levels of standard zombie killing (If you want your action fix!). Each level is typically short, maybe 15 minutes at max, and adds to it an aspect of rpgs, with leveling up, skill selection and finding and upgrading of a variety of guns. While anyone can finish a raid mode level, true mastery requires you to finish a level without ever healing, killing every enemy, and doing it at the reccommended level, intentionally holding you back to make things harder. I have spent much, much more time in raid mode than in the main game itself at this point, grabbing all the guns and shooting all the zombies I want, but able to go back and scare myself silly as desired. My only complaint in Raid Mode is that a large number of the skills can be difficult to use effectively (I'm looking at you, bottles.).

If you like the older style Resident Evil games, you will probably like this, as it melds the old with some newer design sensibilities and older style cheesy plot. As an added bonus, you can always try just one episode and if it doesn't suit you, you can leave it at that and not pay a full game's price.
張貼於 2016 年 11 月 23 日。
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總時數 3.2 小時
There are some people who will say that video game can't tell a story, or that all games have turned into graphical spectacles. These people are wrong, and this game is a perfect example of why. Without resorting to anything more complicated than some colored blocks and simple jumping puzzles, Thomas Was Alone manages to tell a fantastic story with engaging characters you will actually care about, despite them being nothing more than colored shapes, and along the way, tease your brain with excellent jumping and movement puzzles. Seriously, pick this up!
張貼於 2013 年 11 月 10 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 2.6 小時
That bomb is about to go off! Quick, you have 20 seconds to... oops. Too late. No time to wait, on to the next disaster! That's McPixel, a strange, strange game that mixes point and click puzzling with WarioWare-styled miniature scenarios. With no time to think and only a handful of clicks, you need to figure out how to disarm the situation before it goes up in smoke. I found it to be a fun, if simple title that had me falling over laughing at the gags and secrets scattered about. It's not that complicated, and at times it's absolutely childish, but it manages to ooze personality. For only a couple of bucks, you can't really go wrong.
張貼於 2013 年 6 月 9 日。 最後編輯於 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 766.6 小時 (評論時已進行 696.0 小時)
Have you ever read a comic book and thought, "I could make a better superhero than that!"? Well, now you have your chance.* Champions is an MMO that offers everyone a chance to make thier own heroes and beat the snot out of villains, goons, and aliens alike. Half the fun is in just playing with the costume maker and seeing what you can produce. It's free to try, so why not see what YOU can come up with?

*Disclaimer, game does not include tragic backstory or horrible mutations.
張貼於 2011 年 6 月 15 日。
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