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My favourite quotes from movies, series & games:
“We are just one ship… and an old one at that. But here we are. Thirty years past what anyone could ask of us. Our war is gone. The lives we had are gone. The worlds we knew have moved on. And now, all that we may have left are those standing beside us and the duty that defines us – battle after battle, fighting side-by-side together. Where you see half a crew, Isabel, I see family, courage, and a thousand heroes who swore to fight their way through hell before they’d ever turn their backs and run. And where you see one old ship… I see home. And that is always worth fighting for! If we don’t stop Atriox now, we leave the galaxy at the mercy of a monster. So no, Isabel. We won’t be running anywhere today.” (Halo Wars 2 - James Cutter)

"What you do, what you become, is not my concern. The world is full of so-called "men" like you, and, in a perfect world, everything we do comes with a price, but this ain't a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky, you get a chance to set it right, but most of the time it goes unpunished. This ain't one of them times. The mistake you made was you killed my friend. So, I'm gonna kill each and every one of you, and the only disappointment in it for me is that I only get to do it once." (The Equalizer 2 - Robert McCall)

"We've lost some good people. They gave everything to get us here. It's up to us to make it mean something and do them justice. The Collectors, the Reapers--they aren't a threat to us. They're a threat to everything--everyone. Those are the lives we're fighting for. That's the scale. It's been a long journey, and no one's coming out without scars. But it all comes down to this moment. We win or lose it all in the next few minutes. Make me proud. Make yourselves proud." (Mass Effect 2 - Commander Shepard)

“Topa, the last time I saw you, I said some very hurtful things. I regret my words. You were almost lost because of people who believe as I did. I thought I hated you, but even then I never wished you harm. I simply did not know how to live with you. I allowed a lifetime of prejudice to cloud my judgement. That must change, I must change. I want you to know that I accept you, Topa – exactly as you are. And I am proud to call you my daughter.” (The Orville S3 E8 - Klyden)

"NO. You don't touch that boy, you don't TOUCH anybody. I've got a little girl I'm trying to protect in here too. You wanna get violent you old ♥♥♥♥!? Well COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, because its ME before anyone else in here!" (The Walking Dead (Video Game) - Lee Everett)

"I'm a Catholic ♥♥♥♥♥, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon madam." (Kingsman: The Secret Service - Harry Hart)

"You... He's responsible for... for all of this. Think of all the men... He didn't lose a damned thing. This is the enemy, and he's here - on his knees...!" (Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Kazuhira Miller)

“I want you to let it all out, anybody who's ever disrespected you, see them. Anything you ever wanted, go after it! Now's your time, make a statement. ONE step, ONE punch, ONE round at a time!” (Creed - Rocky)

"I don't care if the odds are against us. If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting, so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of!" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S6 E9 - Captain Sisko)

"You're gonna have to go through hell, worse than any nightmare you've ever dreamed. But when it's over, I know you'll be the one standing. You know what you have to do. Do it." (Rocky IV - Duke)

"No, ♥♥♥♥ you, dead man. I want you to feel my rage, my hate, when I reach into your chest and rip out your heart! Like you did mine." (Rambo V: Last Blood - John Rambo)

"...blowing away a fleeing suspect with my 44 magnum used to mean everything to me, I enjoyed it, well who wouldn't?" (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear - Lt. Frank Drebin)

"Hi. I'm a recovering crackhead, and this is my retarded sister I take care of. I'd like some welfare please." (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S2 E3 - Dennis Reynolds)

"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place." (Brooklyn Nine-Nine S5 E10 - Captain Ray Holt)

"I want revenge. I want them to know that death is coming, and there is nothing they can do to stop it." (Rambo V: Last Blood - John Rambo)

"I should have protected Cortana. Stopped everything from going wrong. I failed her. I will not fail you."(Halo Infinite - Master Chief)

"That must be some kind of code of honour you hold yourself to. You're like a man possessed." (Fallout New Vegas - NCR Trooper)

“Ain’t childbirth just the most beautiful miracle, seems a lady can birth monkeys after all." (Red Dead Redemption 2 - Hosea Matthews)

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life." (Star Trek: The Next Generation S2 E21 - Jean-Luc Picard)

"I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse." (Left 4 Dead 2 - Coach)

"You know as well as I do that fear only exists for one purpose. To be conquered." (Star Trek: Voyager S2 E23 - Kathryn Janeway)

"That's right sister, call the Lord and tell him he's about to have some company." (Rush Hour 3 - James Carter)

"You gonna make me cut your throat and look for the words inside your neck?" (Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - Sam Fisher)

"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other." (Fallout New Vegas - Joshua Graham)

"Hmm.. it looks like you forgot to shave this morning, let me help you out a bit." (Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - Sam Fisher)

"This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!" (300 - Leonidas)

"A strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others." (Barnyard (2006) - Ben)

"I came here to drink milk and kick ass, and I've just finished my milk." (IT Crowd S4 E2 - Maurice Moss)

"There is an alligator in the cargo bay, I successfully crushed it with a chair." (The Orville S1 E10 - Lt. Commander Bortus)

"Great men do not seek power. They have power thrust upon them." (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S7 E22 - Worf)

“We all fail. We all make mistakes. It’s what makes us human.” (Halo Infinite - Master Chief)

"Thought I'd try shooting my way out, mix things up a little." (Halo 3 - Master Chief)

"If I know Grunt, your answer is coming at muzzle velocity." (Mass Effect 2 - Commander Shepard)

“If you’re going to hell you might as well get used to it.” (Creed 2 - Rocky)

"This idiot is really starting to irritate me...COME ON!" (Red Dead Redemption 2 - Arthur Morgan)

"I'm a grim, bloody fable with an unhappy bloody end!" (Team Fortress 2 - Demoman)

"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." (Star Trek: The Next Generation S6 E17 - Worf)

"I'm not gonna fight you, I'm gonna kick your ass." (Duke Nukem)

"Well, sometimes you got to cut a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." (John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum - Bowery King)

"This isn't a negotiation. Your sentence is death." (Dredd 3D - Judge Dredd)

"I have not... come this far... to die now!" (Left 4 Dead 2 - Nick)

“I’m an equal opportunity ass whooper." (Shaft 2019 - John Shaft)

"Activate the PHOTONIC CANNON!" (Star Trek: Voyager S6 E4 - EMH)

"Ma-Ma is not the law... I am the law." (Dredd 3D - Judge Dredd)

"The burning you feel? It is shame." (Team Fortress 2 - The Heavy)

"Thumbs down you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!" (Fallout New Vegas - Craig Boone)

"I'm a lead farmer, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!" (Tropic Thunder - Staff Sergeant Lincoln Osiris)

"I don't need luck. I have ammo." (Mass Effect 3 - Grunt)

"Send me out... With a bang." (Halo 3 - Sergeant Johnson)

"Perps were... uncooperative." (Dredd 3D - Ju
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What a pretty game. - REDUX
1 1
hardy. 26 Jul @ 2:44pm 
heey, added ;3
Double L in The Morning 26 Jul @ 6:12am 
Eat ♥♥♥♥ whoever tf you are
We should play sometime!!
Dwevy 9 Jun @ 3:02pm 
マンソン 9 Jun @ 2:49pm 
trash that stacks with cheaters in the finals
Dwevy 21 Mar @ 6:24pm 
Scammer cuck