Drew   Texas, United States
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cop-disliker69 26 Jun, 2021 @ 12:32am 
OwO what's this?
lesansmuse 26 Jun, 2021 @ 12:27am 
put paws in between your toes, nyaa ~
The Quackening 26 Jun, 2021 @ 12:25am 
She squeezed her eyes shut and parted her lips. She moved it in up and down motions, side to side, wash-machine style. The speed of the butter running throughout her increased and she wanted to scream, it made her feel so alive. Her insides were tearing! She tried to stay as silent as possible, but once she reached her climax, there was no hiding her pleasure filled sounds. She was throbbing and about ready to climax. One more in 'n out and Paula let out the loudest groan yet.
The Quackening 26 Jun, 2021 @ 12:25am 
The couch was her favorite place. It gave the right amount of comfort and propped her up in the fashion most suitable for this sort of job. Very little did she mind that this action would give her even more vaginal acne. She had grown used to this. Very interesting names were given to each one. But the immense passion she felt for butter surpassed the very reasons that told her not to do such immoral things.

She would sit there on the floor and caress the salty stick of butter, dying inside, waiting for the right moment to put it in. Carefully, she slid the stick of butter as high up as it would go into her privates. A very audible groan escaped her lips. Paula bit down on her lip. No one can discover her secret.
The Quackening 26 Jun, 2021 @ 12:25am 
It was a hot summer's day, in July of 1966, and Paula Dean was hosting her cooking show like she did every Saturday. Everything appeared to be normal from the outside, but little did the audience know that before the show, during breaks, and after the show, Paula had a salty secret.

As the lights shut off and Paula could hardly see her kitchen, she turned slowly on her heel and walked back to her dressing room. A long day of filming, being surrounded by butter made her shudder. No, I can control myself. I have my own butter, she told herself. Anticipation flooded her body. The heat radiated off of her. Quickly and loudly, she made her way down the halls and opened the familiar door. She made the stretch of the tiny room to where the mini fridge sat. Opening the door slowly, she moaned softly and grabbed the salted butter from the top shelf. A few moments in the microwave later, the butter was the perfect tenderness. Her jeans and panties were off in no time.
Stefanie Sundae 6 Apr, 2021 @ 8:41pm 
