Mitch 'Draith'   Greece
Are you down for Whiskey and cigars tonight?
Alt Steam - [105] drai
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2018 Info: [Updated 2022]
commend me btw


My FIRST/Old build (2015-2019)
- AMD Phenom II X4 455 OC @ 4.10GHz
- 16GB DDR3 1600Mz Corsair Vengance, OC'd to 1754MHz
- Gigabyte GTX 1050 OC Edition: 2GB 1949MHz Boost, 7008MHz Memory
- Samsung EVO 860 PRO 500GB SSD
- ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO w/ GPU Boost +300MHz
MOUSE: XG-535 Lumen | 1.86 sens, 1150dpi
KEYBOARD: Motospeed K70L RGB Mechanical, no switches
HEADSET: Turtlebeach PX22's with TB inline amp for audio control

▐█▐██▐░▄▓▓▓▓▓▀▄░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌█▌ You is very wow. Doge approves.

If you are one of my friends from 2013 add my new steam!
Hi Adam :) (adzy)
Review Showcase
751 Hours played
This critically acclaimed game is a sequel to the most popular and best selling game "Minecraft". This game has the exact elements of Minecraft with the favorite MMORPG feel to the game, it resembles the insane graphics of Tetris on the NES which is only possible with their brand new and improved Source 2D engine created by IBM Computers. This game has no tutorial, and if you have no idea how to play this game and/or have Autism you may resolve to moving back to Minecraft. Just recently in the 1.3 update they've added so you can play on other worlds with your friends on your steam list! Invite everyone to your world so they can blow up you ♥♥♥♥ with dynamite - which is a personal favourite!
This game is simply amazing because you can have a pet doggo and equip him with insane weapons such as the vampire knives that sap HP in exchange for dank auditee points and have insane drop rates of getting a slime staff.

There are multiple classes and playthroughs you can enjoy while playing this Tetris 64 simulator, there's over 600 weapons, 16 bosses and 8 events! Which if you’re creative enough you can AFK all of these bosses besides the lunar cultist! These events usually happen half way through afking your slime grinder, microwaving ramen noodles,masturbation or shoving sausages down your throat without tasting it like back in the good old L4D2 days when questionable ethics was a hard map to beat, especially on drugs.

[CLASS] Main:
Don’t let this class foul you, his main level is 138! This is the class you use when someone says ‘lol ur trash kid ♥♥♥’ and you reply ‘dont u make me get my main he is lvl 332’. There are no restrictions for this class, you can have a mix between melee ranged and magic, it also helps if you have 99 or 120 fletching on RS3 because you’ll have something to brag about in Expert mode when you’re underpowered as a doggo with no kitchen knife on his head. With this playthrough, you can feel underpowered while feeling overpowered and being bored at the same time! Thanks Magic! You can engage your enemies from any position and scream out into battle saying ‘oh man, this is tight!’ Like I said earlier, if you have 99/120 fletching you get an awesome bonus of
+21 Runecrafting which is extremely useful for beating the slime king, get your ancients ready boys, vengeance and blood barrage it is!

This playthrough is boring and is trash, you have to fish for literally everything - yeah there’s good loot here and there and you do get decent rewards. It’s actually fun if you have nothing better to do with your life but fish on a virtual tetris simulator. Overall, if you want more hours on this game without idling and want to show off and be cool with your 3 stuffed animals and your one friend who streams COPS all day and stares at his desktop while high and can’t aim worth to ♥♥♥♥ on L4D2 and makes your ping to a server hosted beside you over 800 then I suggest this playthrough!

[CLASS] Magic:
Fight fishron like a man! No! A woman! No! ♥♥♥♥ that! Let’s use magic, something that you can be like 40 tiles/blocks away from the the boss/mob/npc to kill, although it’s not as lazy as doing a summoner walkthrough where you stand there and let your minion kill everything. Damnit, now I’m thinking of claptrap from BL2 because I said minion… I feel my braincells committing suicide one by one. Not a quote taken from Sir Hammerlock! - no actually mage is extremely boring because it basically makes you feel underpowered and weak against enemies especially in expert mode. It basically involves spamming mana potions and dodging every 2 seconds so you don't get stabbed in the gut by a wild doggo due to the fact that Magic has pathetic defense rather than the main/melee build. Although, Magic does have a high DPS and you have a lifesteal option that can add these effects:
+5 Herblore Levels
+9 Firemaking
+11 Fletching
Overall, I think Magic is a garbage playthrough for getting started at least, it’s really hard to start off until you get Spectre armour which is pretty endgame stuff, which makes it even more harder considering it’s endgame. Which makes it even MORE harder because you need to use trash gear to beat the bosses. Which makes it EVEN MORE harder because you can’t kill a boss when you’re underpowered as hell.

In this challenge, once a weapon is put onto your hotbar, it stays there, more-or-less permanently.
1.) Slots 1-9 - If a weapon goes in this slot, it is permanently affixed there. This forces you to make serious decisions about when to upgrade your weapons.
2.) Slot 0 - Things that do zero damage go here - your Wire Cutters, blocks, Fishing Rod, Net, etc. For convenience, these items are transient and can be replaced at will. No axes or hammers in this slot, sorry.
3.) No punishment for misclicks or force-of-habit. If you accidentally put the wrong weapon in your hotbar, and realize it immediately, you can take it back. Honor system on this one.
4.) Your starting items are transient. You may move down your copper Pickaxe, Swordsword, or Axe at any time.
5.) I realize your hotbar, if empty, accidentally populates with random junk. Don't fret about this, just move it down. To prevent constantly having to do this, I recommend using banners or decorative statues to "block" these slots until they're ready for a weapon.
6.) Wall of Flesh - Once Wall of Flesh is defeated, pre-hardmode weapons are exempted from the "perma-hotbar" rule, and considered transient. Move them around at any time. Hardmode weapons are still permanent. (Wall of Flesh drops count as hardmode weapons.)
7.) "Exile" - Do you hate your HM hotbar? You can go into exile for one final chance to change it. Exile is not recommended, and should only be used in severe situations, such as inability to progress, or a strong desire to change your primary damage type.

That’s my ‘lit’ review for Terraria, thank you…
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I never want to use the term again, back to playing questionable ethics and eating my italian sausages.
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